Just Friends with Benefits

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This has extreme mature content which is spelled wrongly so you can still read it. so sorry on that. Well have fun reading. if you liked it please comment, vote and fan if you really loved it..:P


‘Just Friends with Benefits’

“Hey Jessie, invites via the power of speech, tell us that Mica is having a house party on Saturday night, you know, the back-to-school party!” Tisha, one of my friends hit my locker and eagerly told me the story.

“We should definitely come!” Carmella jumped up and down as she held her hands together.

“Alright, what’s the theme anyway?” I asked them, now really enthusiastic about it I can’t say no to my friends and who don’t love parties?

“Naughty students!” They exclaimed altogether. I snorted.

“So you mean, we can just go there with what we’re wearing now?” I asked with a chuckle.

“No you silly.” Lara answered now. “It actually means that we’ll have to wear naughty school uniforms!”

“Oh!” is all I’ve said. They chitchat excitedly to each other and started to think of shopping clothes.

“We should definitely be shopping later!” Carmella yelled out of nowhere and the other two agreed in unison, because of that, I have to agree as well.

Bell rang and we all went to our boring classes. I sat on my seat and thought about the Saturday party. I have a little something about parties. I remember losing my virginity in one. I am so drunk I didn’t even make out the face of the guy who took it. Way to remember my first!

Mica is so known to throw a huge and wild party, no wonder it had that theme. Since she’s already a legal adult and living on her own, she does it so often and she always have the reason to throw a party. And, I am a frequent visitor of her parties. I can’t even think of a party I missed. Not just hers but any party that I’m invited in.

“Ms. Lewis?” I heard Mr. Gonzales called me.

“Yes, sir?” I asked.

“I just asked you a question about c0ndoms.”

“What about the c0ndoms sir?” Ugh! Stupid biology.

“What’s in the condom that stops reproduction?” He asked with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised to me.

“Spermicidal?” I answered asked him.

“Very good. Odd things you know Ms. Lewis.” The class laughed. Of course, I barely answered his questions but now, I know the answer. He then went back to his job and that’s to teach contraceptive methods.

I returned to my thoughts again. Every time we attend parties we sleep at Tisha’s house. Her parents are very cool and understanding and we’re always welcome at their place. Her parents are amazing. And I definitely wish I have those, well, my parents are not as exciting as hers. They’re totally boring well because of their absolute focus in work. They’re always home but we only said each other hi, good morning, good evening and bye. I can’t remember anything other than those few words. Anyway, enough of my babbling because the bell just rung.

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