Journal Entry 1

41 0 0

Dear Scroll,

I can't believe that I could afford you. I used up my money to buy meat but instead buy you. I have no idea on why I wanted to buy you or what brought me to buy you. I just had to; something was calling for to get you.

​​​​​​​ Luckily i had some ink to use in this. I can't believe that I bought you and that this isn't a dream. Wait...

This isn't a dream at all. I guess that I'll be writing in you when I have the time to. I won't have that much to do this, so there won't be too many things happening in this. This will be a great way for me to vent though, but this was probably a waste of money and time.

This could get in the way of me doing my duty at work. This can't be good if i keep writing.

Anyways, it's getting late and I need to get up early. I guess I'll write in you later.


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