"you look pretty, like all the time" Motle said smiling at her
"I know right" she said smiling and we roll our eyes again, she is so full of her self

"ladies" Matt said and we all smile at him as he come and stand next to me
" girls, this is lord Matt" I said touching his arm, and he gives them a dashing smile
"lord Matt, this are my bestfriends,  Princess Anjelica Da Fuente from spain, Princess Kristen Granlond from Greenland,princess Motle Lestie from Lesotho and Princess Laureen Sullivan from Seychelles" I said pointing at my friends

"I am honoured to meet you all" he said with a smile and kissing their hands and he holds Motle's eyes as he kissed her small hand
"how long have you guys been friends?" he ask us

"we have been friends for seventeen years" Kristen said with a proud smile
"yeah, we meet at boarding school in Britain" Anjelica said
"yeah we were six years old when we meet" Laureen said, finally founding her voice
"that long yeah" he said impressed
"we were young and scared, being away from home for the first time " Anjelica said again with a laugh
"I can just image" he said and look at Motle
" Motle right? That is a beautiful name"he said to her and she blush
" thank you my lord, it means beautiful in my language" she said shyly

Motle is the quietest of us all, shy and too sweet for her own good she is the angel amongst us and I know she is hating the attention right now
"a beautiful name for a beautiful girl then" Matt said and she blush with a shy smile

Hold up, what's going on here? Does Matt have a crush on Motle? That's an interesting development. I look at them as they stare at each other

"let's go out for drinks" Kristen said distracting me from Motle and Matt
"sounds great" Anjelica said
"you wanna join us Lord Matt" Laureen ask
"sure, where are we going? And please call me Matt" he said and we giggle
" our favourite spot?" I ask
"yep club lollipop" Laureen says with a big smile
"our anthem?" Kristen ask excited and we all smiled
"🎶 we are Anja,Laureen, Kristen, Lucy,Motle 🎶 " we sing together
Laureen: I am pretty
Anjelica: I am tattooed
Kristen: I am blonde
Motle: I am tinny
Lucy: I am feisty
"🎶 and we are going to rock this place yhuuu!!🎶 "  we shouted putting our hands up and we laugh and Matt joined us as we walked out the dinning room

We walked into the club and it's a little full, we made our way to the bar counter and I shouted " hi!! Jacky" and he looks at me, Jacky is my gay friend, you know what they say, every girl need a gay guy in her life
"Princess!! You look fabulous, I am loving the dress and the hair" he shouted over the music as he's waving his arm at me
" girl please, you are going to make me blush, oh wait, I am black, you are going to make me shine" I shouted at him as i lean over the counter to kiss his cheeks

"girl you always make me laugh, I can see the whole crew is in town" he said pointing at my friends and they all kiss him on the cheeks and Matt shake his hand as i introduce him to Jacky
" shots!!" Jacky said and we scream

"keep them coming Jacky" I said
"you don't have to ask me twice" he said with a big smile as he pour our tequila shots

"To life and making bad decision tonight" Laureen hold up her shot and we hold up ours too
" I will drink to that" I said

"cocktails girls? Vodka?" Jacky ask
"I want your special cocktail, your know your poison " I shouted and he nod
"bad day?" he ask and I roll my eyes
"you have no idea, more like bad week" I said and he laugh
"me too, get me your special" Motle shouted
"me three" Kristen shouted
"me four" Anjelica shouted
"me five" Laureen shouted and we were  giggling
"vodka please" Matt shouted
"and more shots" Kristen shouted and Jacky nodd as he fill our empty shouts glass,
"keep them shots coming Jacky love" Anjelica shouts
" I gotcha you girls" Jacky said with a smile
He handed us our cocktails and Matt's vodka and more shots
I am starting to get tipsy
"what time do you knock off" I ask Jacky and he glance at his watch
"in twenty minutes" he shouted
" we need to dance" I shouted
"you know it girl" he shouted back
We are moving to the music but not really dancing

Princess  Five (the Thin Line Between Love And Hate) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now