Chapter Five - New Student? How troublesome.

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Maria Kurenai. A new student coming into the school? Why would father do this? Even the look of her is dangerous. "What are you frowning about?" Shiki asked me, me currently in the Night Class' classroom. I was about following Yuki and Maria earlier, but lost sight of them when I caught some day class students sneaking about this building. "Is it about the new student? How mysterious, I smell a crime." Takuma said, also looking out the window. "Is he talking about the book he was reading yesterday?" Shiki asked, taking some pokey that Rima offered to him. "No, there really is a new student coming." She replied around her own pokey. "NOOO! I was going to give that to Kaname - Sama!" Hanabusa yelled, Shiki having taken a handful and snapped through them easily with his teeth. "Hanabusa I'll. . ." I stopped short as Shiki suddenly moved in front of me, hiding my body. "I'm glad this seems like a fun class~" A soft voice said, but it seethed with something like malice. "Hey. . . Hasn't the 'class' begun yet?" She asked. "Omae. . Who. . Are you. . ?" Hanabusa questioned, the girl popping off the front desk and over a few desks to him. Her shoes barely touching the desks. Her hair is long and silver, reminding me a lot of Zero, but her eyes told me that she was beyond unfriendly. She is not someone I can trust. "You." She said, caressing Hanabusa's cheeks with her hands. "By 'Omae' do you mean me?" "It is not a big deal if the new student just tells her name. Maria Kurenai." Kaname said, stepping in now. "Ah. " She said, taking her hands away and looking at the pureblood with a slightly surprised expression. "I'm sorry for displeasing you, Kaname Kuran-Sama." She said, taking his hand in hers before bringing it up to her face. "Okay! I am so happy to meet a pureblood!" "What!" Ruka exclaimed, Kaname quietly greeting her in return. "Kurenai - San, I would remove your hands immediately. Unless you want to be torn apart." I said, her turning her head and noticing me for the first time. "A human?" She asked, walking this direction. Shiki held his position, holding a hand out so that she would be unable to get by even if she tried. "Ah, the sibling to the one who showed me around. Cuter than her." She said, Rima now moving to stand close to me. "I'm sorry. It looks like I have caused a heavy atmosphere." She chuckled. "I guess I should excuse myself for the present." I frowned, wondering what she was trying to get at there. . . but she is someone. . . who reminds me much of the things I have heard about Shizuoka Hiou. The one who killed Zero's parents and brother.

"Hanabusa this seems ill advised." I said, me him and Zero all standing on the roof top of one of the buildings. Takuma is currently chasing around Maria, Yuki was being chased by fangirls of Hanabusa's as he'd hugged her to make them jealous on purpose. Hanabusa took this chance to bring the two of us up here, to chat. "Which is why I brought you up here too Momoko." Hanabusa told me, looking over the edge at the girls waiting for him. "They don't come near me when you two are near me because they are scared. It is convenient at a time like this." "So. . Does Maria Kurenai have any relations with 'that woman'?" Zero asked, me looking over at him from the corner of my eye. Surprised that he had made the same connection. "Who is 'that woman'?" "Shizuoka Hiou." "What a rude fellow. To not refer to our 'pure blood queen' of all people with an honorific title. But I guess it can't be helped, she is the one who cruelly murdered your family. Oh well, 'Kurenai' is really old, distant relative of 'Hiou'. That's it. Got any problem?" "Isn't it because her appearance changed, that nothing has been heard of her for four years?" Zero came back with. "I don't know such a thing. The one who knows all the ability of pure bloods is only the pureblood. What's more important is how you are feeling right? I also want to know that. Only you would know. .. The one who has a bloody 'bond' with that woman. Only you. . ." I stood from my seated position and stood between the two boys. "That is enough." I said, crossing my arms. "There is a lot going on right now, things that I or Zero don't know about. But don't drag us into the Night Class' mess Hanabusa." I warned, the blond nodding before taking a few steps closer. He pressed his hands to my cheeks and smiled, "I only want to protect you Momoko and let you know ahead of time so you can act accordingly." I lowered my gaze a little, hoping that what he is telling me is the truth.

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