Chapter Two - Even you could lie to me.

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"I know that it's Valentine's day. I also realize that the school is buzzing wiht excitement. But there is also an increased danger taht something might go wrong, to expose the night class's true identity. For that reason, I expect the three of you to be even more diligent than ever. You are after all the school guardians." Papa said, me moving to the stove with my chopped up chocolate and dumping it into a pot. "Yes sir!" Yuki exclaimed, her sitting at the island of the kitchen. "That's why I said we should just ban it. . ." Zero sighed, looking to the floor. "Woudln't that just inspire a revolt? It's best to give them an outlet. And after all, all my little vampires are just too adorable, such dear little creatures. I could never be so cruel as to keep them from their devoted fans." Papa swooned, me dodging around his grand motions to continue with my baking. I am nearly done. I have just this last batch to do for the day time students and everything will be ready. I slaved for I swear, three days on this. The vampires better be thankful, I put a lot of time into this. "Don't praise those vermin scum to my face." Yuki said, pretending to be Zero for the moment. "Well, I udnerstand that vampires have been the enemies of humans for some centureis now, but there are still some vampires who wish to co-exist with us peacefully. It's important to teach them to have pride in taking the frist steps to bridge the divide between our two races. . . Kiryuu, even though you may think it's impossible now, someday I want you to understand that. . ." Papa said to Zero. "Let's not continue with this conversation any further please. I need him to be in a good mood." I told Papa, cutting off whatever Zero was going to say. "Alright my princess." Papa said, me pouring my chocolate mixture onto a sheet and placing it into the fridge. "Ah, um. . . Here, for you chair-father! Happy Valentines day!" Yuki said, holding out a small pack of paper to Papa. "And this is for you Zero! As always!" Yui added, tossing Zero a paper too. "Twenty coupons for Yuki's shoulder masages!" Papa exclaimed, jumping around like a manic. "One slave coupon." Zero said, looking to the paper. "It's exactly the same thing you gave us back when you were in primary school." "So sue me." Yuki said, sticking her tongue out at her. "I guess I'll hand mine over too." I said, pusing the wrapped presents towards the two of them. "And you, you always go too far." Zero said to me, opening his present. I know that he complains about it, but he really is happy to recieve something from me. "Ahhh!! The candle I wanted and chocolate!" Papa exclaimed, giving me a hug. "Be careful, there's alcohol in it, so not too many at a time." I warned him, I had used the strong stuff. "Thank you! Thank you!" He chanted. Zero came over and pulled me away from him, giving me a hug too. "Thanks." I had gotten him a shirt; since he never shops for himself, and raspberry filled creme chocolates; dark the way he likes them. "It wasn't much trouble." I told him, lying as Yuki pulled the two of us towards the door. "Let's go!" She exclaimed, knowing that we had to get to the Moon dorms pretty soon. I just managed to grab the bag full of the others gifts as we left, me just going along with what Yuki wanted.

I had my earphones in, trying to block out the screaming. Yuki was giving her little introduction speech to the vampires as they'd just come out. I know though that Kaname will keep them in line. I had only walked a few steps before a hand tapped my shoulder. I turned and faced Takuma who had already quite a few chocolates in hand. He probably was accepting them on his way over to speak to me. I pulled out an earphone and smiled; "That's quite the collection." I told him, inspecting his armful of goodies. "Yes, quite. However, yours is the only one I'm really interested in." he told me, lowering his voice at the later half of his comment. "Here, can you give these to everyone when you get to class. They're all rather busy right now." I said, handing him the bag. "Sure thing my dear. But you might want to give Kaname's to him personally. He'll be rather pouty all day otherwise." I agreed to this and pulled out Kaname's gift, that I had wrapped personally to suit his tastes. "Kuran." I turned to see Zero throw a chocolate at Kaname, the vampire catching it with ease. "You dropped that." "Ah! When did. . . Zero!" Yuki excalimed, obviously too nervous to give it to him herself. She'd fallen and Zero had picked it up, giving it to him for her. "I accept, thank you Yuuki." Kaname said. "S-sure." Yuki replied, me walking past the two and holding mine out to Kaname with no fear. "Take this." I said irritably. He did so and gave me a worrying look. "One shouldn't be so angry on a day that is supposed to be filled with love." He told me, getting on my nerves. "Not my fault that you make me mad constantly." I repiled, not liking the way he was so kind to Yuki. Again, with the whole, Yuki is delicate, she needs care thing. Why is she so easlily forgiven? Kaname sighed, brushing my hair back affectiontely. "If only you knew." He said, before turning on his heels and walking away. I frowned and turned back to deal with my stupid job, why does he have to say things like that? Is he trying to make me feel bad?

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