How long had he been here? Why hasn't he gone to get help? All I could focus on the blood that had soaked through his white shirt.

Not giving him a chance to talk I hold my finger up as I run to catch the first aid kit. "Don't even talk right now, just...just shut up and focus on staying alive for me, are you capable of doing that?" I dropped down on my knees in front of his body.

His face was emotionless, blank as he just stared at me.

"Lie down for me and raise your feet, I'm going to place some pillows underneath, this should help you from possibly going in to shock and take this and apply pressure for me, I'm going to wash my hands before addressing the bleeding," after making sure he wouldn't die, I washed my hands thoroughly to prevent the risk of infection.

"How fucking stupid could you fucking be? Why didn't you go to, oh I don't know, a fucking hospital like a normal fucking person?!" I muttered whilst pulling on disposable gloves.

Taking some scissors I cut open his top and I can't help but wince as I look at the drying blood and fresh blood that was slowly trailing out of the gash.

I grab the bowl of water and take the sponge, soaking it, I dab it gently around the blood just to clean the wound in case it was dirty. I then took some gauze to pat the wound dry.

My eyes quickly flick up to his face to make sure it wasn't loosing life, he was wincing slightly as I dabbed gently to dry the area.

"Pussy," I mumble under my breath.

His eyes meet mine and he gives me the coldest glare yet. Not being in the mood to be fucked with, I give him a cold glare back and watch as he turns his attention to a spot behind me on the wall.

Elevating his arm so that its above heart level, I begin to add some sterile adhesive dressing on the gash. I'm not certain but part of me is convinced that Valentino had been stabbed tonight and luckily got away with only a gash on his chest and left arm.

I was so focused on dressing the wound, I didn't notice my phone ringing at first.

"Fuck Liam!" I shout, realising that I had completely forgotten about the date.

Pulling off the gloves, I quickly accept the cal whilst brushing a hand through my hair in frustration.

"Liam hey!" I immediately answer as soon as the call connects.

"Hey you, someone seems super excited to speak to me. Excited for our dinner tonight?" I couldn't help but smile after hearing him chuckle.

"A-about that I don't know if, I don't think I can make it tonight. My next door neighbour needs my help, he's injured himself and I don't want to leave him alone," I whisper the last part as I look back to see Valentino watching me with those lifeless grey eyes.

"Oh my goodness are they okay? I totally understand, well I really wanted to see you about I come over with some takeaway, I can even bring some for your neighbour. I'm sorry if I sound desperate...I just really wanted to see, that's all," my smile turned into a full on goofy one at how sweet Liam was being.

"That..that sounds perfect, I'll text you my address. Call me when you're outside I'll buzz you up," with that Liam and I said our goodbyes.

"Don't move your arm, do you hear me? Or I'll give you a matching bruise," I order Valentino as I run around the house trying to tidy up a bit for Liam.

Valentino just watches me the whole time, not saying a word, it made me slightly worried that he hadn't said a thing since I had found him.

"I'll call Alejandro to let him know you're here if you want or you can st-".

"Don't tell Alejandro anything, he doesn't need to know about what happened tonight," the look in his eye told me his words were final.

"And what exactly did happen tonight Valentino?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest.

"None of your fucking business, just let me be on my way and you can go back to your date," this is the thanks I get?

"No!" I shout pushing him back down onto the couch, my instincts kicking in and taking over.

"Can you stop being a pigheaded bastard for one second and put your health first. I'm not letting you be left alone, you will stay here for the night and I will look after you, it's either that or I call Alejandro and tell him everything. You pick?" Feeling his muscles relax under me I could tell Valentino had decided to be smart, although he didn't seem happy about the choice.

With that I repositioned the pillows and grabbed a blanket to make sure he keeps warm.

I couldn't tell you why I was so adamant on making sure that Valentino was okay even though he showed me constant disrespect and even though I know he's not thankful for my help.

Maybe it's the fact that I wished someone would come help me when he use to hurt me all the time.

"Oh and F-Y-I, it's not a date, Liam is just a friend coming over for dinner, he's even offered to bring you food too, so can you find it within your heart for once to be the slightest bit decent,".

I went to move away from Valentino to see what kind of a state Jess's now old bedroom was in when Valentino grabbed onto my arm.

"Can I help you?" I asked after he didn't say anything.

He looked like he was debating his next words, "thank you,' he said with a genuine smile.

Smiling back, I took hold of his hand giving it a tight squeeze before going to check on the room.

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