Chapter 20: Girl's Night Out

Start from the beginning

"You two really deserve each other. I'm just so happy for you." She let out a sigh.

"Thanks." I replied. "What happened between you two?"


"Harry. I am talking about Harry. Wow. And I thought we're on the same page."

She chukles lightly, giving me a little push, "Oh Harry? He's been calling me for some time." Now she gives me back another sarcastic reply.

"Girl you know that's not what I'm talking about. Do you really want me to say his name out loud?"

"Niall? You owe us a back story." Danielle enters the conversation as she peeked through the space between our seats.

That Christmas eve was the time I found out Abbie and Niall weren't together anymore. I mean Louis was too dumb not to try and stop me from saying her name on the phone call and it ended up with Niall being upset about it.

She took in deep breaths before the story-telling began. Throughout the flight, we exchanged thoughts on our reaction towards her ex-boyfriend. He was indeed mean. I'm glad Louis hasn't given up on me despite the hate both of us are receiving. Same thing with what Zayn is doing for Perrie. It was sweet how he would be on secret flights once a week just so he can see her, and then be back just before the rehearsals.

"Maybe Niall has a reason why he did it. You can't blame their fame." Perrie says.

She bowed down, her fingers playing with the hem of her shorts, "But still. What would you feel when someone denies you as his girl? In front of the world? Wouldn't that hurt you?"

Everyone nodded and her words hit us.

"What about Harry? He's your best friend and he seems really proud of you. You once had hidden feelings so why not try?" Danielle suggested, tying her hair up in a bun.

Abbie shook her head, "There's a scary thing about that. It's easy to turn friendship into love, but when things don't work out, it's hard to turn love back to friendship."

"What if things work out?" Danielle questioned emphasizing on my first two words.

"Yeah, what if you don't?" I back het me up, understanding what she was trying to imply.

"And what if she's still in love with Niall?" This statement by Perrie lead to an awkward silence. I saw Abbie's facial expression change as she got lost in her thoughts.

"Are you still in love with him after what he did?"

We are now on our final approach to Madrid International Airport. Please keep your seat-belts securely fastened and your window covers up. Cabin crew, take off stations.

The timing is just PER-FECT.

A shuttle was waiting for us just in time we exited the airport. People were staring at us as we pulled our luggages behind us, probably wondering if we have our boyfriends with us. Well they're incorrect... For now.

(Abbie's POV)

"Here is the key for your suite. Enjoy your stay in España!" The receptionist exclaimed as she called on a bellhop to bring our suitcases up our room.

The hotel was a large one. It's lobby had a center fountain that reached up to the third floor. Antique lamps lit the hallways that led to six elevators. The ground was neatly carpeted and we were tempted to take off our shoes as soon as we got to our floor just so we can feel the softness of it.

Inside our suite were five large beds distributed into three rooms- two in the first two rooms, and one in the third room that had a beautiful balcony overseeing the sights of Madrid.

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