"Where is that hot little brunette of yours anyways?" he asked. I took another sip from my beer and rolled my eyes.

"That 'hot little brunette' just so happens to be my girlfriend. And she didn't come. She wanted to stay home" I explained. He nodded his head thoughtfully, most likely thinking of Miley at the moment. Probably her wearing a tight top and really short shorts, stuff that she usually felt comfortable wearing when she went to parties.

She always knew how to effortlessly look undeniably attractive.

And I was seriously wishing that Calum wasn't thinking about her at all.

About half an hour into the party and I was already starting to feel slightly buzzed, the alcohol starting to make it's appearence.

"11 o'clock, red head" Calum piped up after awhile more, breaking me from my thoughts of getting myself another drink. He nudged his head in the direction he was gesturing in and I turned my head to look.

A red head, about the same height as Miley, strolled into the room, walking over to the kitchen counter opposite of us. She wore a v-neck crop top that could be mistaken as a bra, and a skirt so short that it could be mistaken as underwear. She wore 4 inch heels that made her almost my height and she wore bright red lipstick that made her lips stand out the most.

Calum lowly whistled at the sight of her, but I didn't really see the appeal.

"She's definetly someone who I want to get to know more thoroughly" he trained his eyes on her as she turned around to reach for something on a high shelf, her skirt riding up and her ass becoming slightly more exposed.

I turned my head immediatly away from her, looking down at my beer.

"Think she'd be ditzy enough to blow, hand, or sleep with me?" Calum asked, his eyes still focused on her, but I only looked at him.

"Depends. She definetly looks like a slut, but I don't think she'd go for you" I told him honestly. His eyes snapped back to mine.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing!" I raised my hands in surrender before placing my half drunken beer on the counter.

"You know what? I'm going to prove you wrong" he assured me, placing down his own cup. I gave him a smirk as I watched him walk over to the red head.

Calum wasn't bad looking, I guess.

He had jet black hair that wasn't too long but wasn't too short either. He was relatively my height with roughly the same build as me. He was a soccer player, so he had a slightly better physic then I did.

I glanced over my shoulder to see him all but striking out with the red head. Little red looked bored as f*ck while she was talking to Calum, and Calum looked like he was trying way to hard.

I turned away and listened to the thumping base of the music as I picked my beer back up and downed the rest of it.

"F*cking whore" I placed my now empty bottle back on the counter and chuckled as Calum stood beside me once again.

"So how'd it go?" my voice was light and teasing.

"Says she only dates blondes" he rolled his eyes, and they filled with disgust for the girl.

"Oh really?" I smirked, finding this entirely amusing.

"She started off by teasing me and then she dropped the bomb that I wasn't her type and that she's into blondes. And then she started talking about you"

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