Married Now!?

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Akari Pov

I walked downstairs and grabbed a yogurt from the fridge. I say down on a chair and turned the TV on. Just as I was about to eat, my Okãsan came into the room.

"Morning Okãsan."

"Morning Okãsan!!"

She stopped talking and sat down on the sofa on the other side of the room. She got her phone out and seemed to be texting someone. Who?

I decided to ask her who she was messaging. She almost never texts anyone, and when she does, it's generally me.


"Yes dear?"

"Who are you talking to?"
"Koushi's Okãsan."

"Why are you talking to her."

"We're talking about the wedding...."


"Hmm....In three days...."


'"Well dear, Koushi is going to be finishing his last year of school soon, and you don't need to anyway. So we decided that this would be a good time for you too."

"Do I have to take over the business?"

"Not yet dear, we thought that you can do that on your 25th birthday."

I calmed down a little. I'm happy I don't have to take over the company yet, I'm still not ready.

"Okay then Okãsan."

"Good to see you agree dear!!"

I sighed and got up. I walked back to my room and picked up my phone. I put Koushi's contact information on my screen and messaged him.

-Hey :). S

-Hey :) what's up? K

-Has your Okãsan told you about her and my Okãsan's plans yet? S

-I've just been told. K

-Me too. S

-What do you think? K

-I'm nervous. But excited. What about you? S

-I'm more excited than nervous :). K

-Haha, wuu2? S

-Practise with the team, what about you:)? K

-Nothing really:). Just wondering, are we going to tell your friends about what's going to happen? S

-I don't mind, it's your choice. K

-Maybe we should keep it a secret for a while then? S

-Sure :). K

-Okay!! I'll leave you to practise!! Have fun :). S

Sugawara Pov

-Okay!! I'll leave you to practise!! Have fun :). S

I smiled and responded to her message.

-Okay, see you soon!! :). K

I put my phone down and smiled to myself.

I'm marrying Sachi.

In three days.

I'm so excited to contain myself. Though I did know I would marry her soon, I didn't think it would be in three days.

Even though it's wierd for 3rd years to get married, I'm not scared or anything. In a way, I feel like I've been ready for this my entire life. It's wierd.

I put my phone down and went back to my team, who were practising spiking and receives.

It's kinda funny seeing some of the first years receive. It reminds me that I used to be like that, and reminds me that I have actually grown over the years.

It's wierd to think that after this year, I won't be in a school Volleyball team. Or at Karasuno. But I guess having the idea that Sachi will be my wife calms me down.

And I will still be cheering for Karasuno after I graduate, after all, there are still he 1st years and 2nd years left there.

Akari Pov

It's wierd to think that this is my last year of school now.

Even though I have had all of my exams, and passed University results, it's still scary.

I had always thought that I would finish school in my third year, and I'm having a year less than what I always thought I would have.

I'll be marrying Koushi in three days. I'll be married in three days. I'll have a husband in three days.


But one thing that does make me a little if I'm not good enough?

What if I'm a bad wife who doesn't deserve the love and attention that Koushi gives me.

What if I'm not good enough for him?

I hope I am. He's truly amazing, and if I'm marrying anyone, I'm glad it's him.


Hey guys!!

Thanks for reading!!

I hope you enjoy the story so far :)

-Jess-chan ♡


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