Prologue: Intro

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Dedication: @Willow___Forever Thank you for all your lovely comments and excitement for this sequel! I hope you like this prologue :) 

Should I read it?

Keeping my eyes glued to the white notebook, I run my fingers along the hard surface that is the cover.

"Who do you belong to, huh, Notey?" I whisper out, wondering where it came from and why it's next to my diary.

And yes, I just named the silly thing. Why? Because I can, and plus, I'm kind of strange like that.

Wrapping my hand around Notey's frame, my fingers curl under the ridge, lifting it into my hands.

I feel sort of conflicted in this enigmatic situation. Do I read this unfamiliar notebook? Or do I leave it where I found it and take my own?

Damn, such hard life decisions.

Well I mean, what harm could possibly come by reading a couple pages? For all I know, it's just a school book. It doesn't exactly scream 'diary'.

Deciding on a final decision to take a small peak, I open the book, making sure to look behind me first. We don't want the owner to see me snooping.

Two words appear to be the only work of ink on the first page - well, technically more than two. Two words that cause me to take a step back.

Dear Hazel (oh, Hazel Bradley by the way)

A small laugh escapes me before I can hesitate, but then I just stare at the page in confusion.

"Someone wrote me a book?" I wonder aloud, trying to figure out who would. But then something hits me.

Did they read my diary? This isn't creepy at all. Nope, gosh, why would anyone think it was?

Giving into the temptation, I flip to the first page with writing (and weird apple doodles), and begin to read.

Dear Hazel,

I don't know if you'll ever read this - because I don't know if I'll ever give it to you. But, I guess this is my introduction too, just as you did in your diary.

Which I am admittedly currently reading. Oops.

I do feel guilty because I know that it's an invasion of privacy, but I'm a guy. Come on, I couldn't help myself. 

Anyway, I'm not actually sure if I want you to know who I am yet, so, I will be as much of an incognito ninja as I possibly can. I mean, martial arts can't be that hard to improvise, right? You just kind of swing your arms around, making choppy gestures with your hands.

Yup, pretty sure that's how it works.

Right, so basically, in this... Notebook/Diary of sorts, after I read one of your entries (though, I've already read a few by now, I'm just gonna go back), I will write in here my 'reply' to it.

Think of it as texting. Just, you know, on paper with a large time gap from when you wrote your entry to when I write mine. Also, there's the part where it's one way since you can't reply to my replies... Oh man, now I'm confusing myself and I should really stop writing before I break my hand.

Great, now that entire paragraph looks messy, and rushed.

You're so much better at this than me, I swear. No one should even give me a pen because it always ends in disaster. Hence the horrible handwriting, and oh yeah, the doodles all over the page.

Ghee, and you think that you're weird.

I'm just a plain ole alien, aren't I?

Okay, this is getting completely off topic now so I'll just be on my way. I'll probably read some entries, write some replies, and maybe go on a run. Or not. I haven't made up my mind yet.

Sincerely yours,

Satan - Kidding! I'll go by 'Prince Charming'


"What a psycho." I mumble, shaking my head, but I decide to put the notebook in my bag anyway. Hey, it's not technically stealing - like what this guy did - because technically it's mine. Since it was written for me.

I think I'm going to have fun reading this when I get some time. If it's not a prank that is. For all I know, this could be just Veronica pulling a practical joke on me. Though, she doesn't usually take enough notice of anyone to target specifics. And anywillow, after the whole 'me finding about her and Liam' thing, she hasn't bothered me. Not that they're even a thing anymore, because basically, she's an almost heartless b*tch.

Getting back to the situation at hand though, I smile softly at the idea of someone writing a whole notebook for me, and I actually can't wait to read it if I'm being honest.

And as I'm about to leave the closet - that I feel comfortable in again, only one thought lingers through my mind.

Who is Prince Charming?

* * *

Prologue for the sequel? Check.

Woop! Party time! :D Jeez, I'm so unbelievably overwhelmed, excited and nervous right now. Y'all are amazing and I can't wait to go on this journey with you. All. Over. Again. Just with a new part of Hazel Bradley's life :)

I really hope you like this book! I'm looking forward to writing it! Though, I should probs do some planning but meh xD

QOTP: Are you as excited as me about this book?

MA: Well, duh dude, jeez, what do you think? *looks around rapidly and mumbles to self* I'm not crazy, I don't talk to myself, I'm not crazy, I tell you!

- Chloe xx

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