Although it is still a term for the Jedi. Master Qui-gon was often known as a Gray Jedi because of how he always acted outside of the Jedi Order. 

There was a Jedi that left the Order around five years ago, they were considered a Gray Jedi because when they left, they told the Council that they were done with their rules and way of life without emotion. 

I couldn't say I blamed them to be honest with myself. 

"Jade, do you sense that?" Caleb stopped in front of me causing me to snap out of my thoughts and almost run into him.

Then I felt it, we were right next to our ship in a small clearing that was surrounded by bushes. As soon as I saw a couple bushes rustle I instantly pulled out both my lightsabers. I spun them around with each wrist.

Then the droids came out of the bushes. There were about twenty standard ones along with about ten super droids.

"Caleb, get in the ship and take off..." I told him.

"But what about you?" He asked as the droids got closer.

"I'll be fine, go." I spun my lightsabers around a few times as the droids started speaking.

"You're under arrest Jedi scum!" The one with yellow stripes on him said.

As soon as Caleb ran into the ship, they started shooting. I started deflecting all the lasers off of my lightsabers right back at them.

I jumped and spun on my side towards some droids, spinning my lightsabers with my body and hitting about three of their heads off. 

As I was destroying the droids I yelled to Caleb, "Caleb, take off!"

I was just going to jump onto the ramp when he took off, easy.

The ship next to me and the droids flew up about ten feet in the air, most of the droids were destroyed and I was about to jump went ten destroyers rolled out along with Count Dooku who walked towards me with his lightsaber out.

I looked at him, my chest heaving up and down. I knew I stood no chance so I deactivated my lightsabers and dropped them, raising my hands up in a surrender.

I looked at Caleb through the main window of the ship and mouthed, 'go, run.'

He got a look of guilt on his face before the ship left, flying over the lake.

"Ah, Jade, I'm glad we got to see each other again since our last meeting, how's your rib?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Just fine." I spat at him.

He used the Force to bring my lightsabers to him and held them in one hand, examining them.

I quickly looked around, trying to figure out what to do. I looked from my lightsabers to the droids all around me and quickly figured out a plan. I guess Dooku saw what I was planing and as I stepped forward to run towards him, he used the Force to lift me in the air about three feet off the ground and then slam me against a large tree that was ten feet behind me.

My head hit the tree before my body did and that was the last thing I remembered before I woke up.

When I woke up, I was in the same bindings I was in when Obi-wan and I were captured on Geonosis. Although the walls were made out of metal instead.

Someone will come get me, somebody will come rescue me, I thought. It wasn't going to be Obi-wan or Anakin since they were both all the way across the Galaxy with only half a fleet left last time I checked.

I looked around the room, there were no exits except for the one door in front of me that looks as though it would slide up. The metal designs of the walls reminded me of a Separatist ship. I assumed I was aboard one of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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