She wouldn't stop staring at me though and started a whole rant, "I have been alive for so long that I have seen the same eyes in different people... You..." She mumbled off. She twisted something on her head piece which caused the glass on her goggles to magnify. 

She got up out of her chair and walked across the table to mine, taking my hand in both of her small ones. "You say you belong to the Order but we both know what you really are.."

"What?" I asked curiously, I had no idea what she was talking about.

She walked back to her seat snapping her fingers, "Oh why can't I remember..." She went on, trying to remember something, "You Jedi have a name for them."

Caleb looked more confused as ever and so did I. "I have no idea what you're talking about.."

She snapped her fingers one more time, "A Gray Jedi! Yes, yes, that's what you are!" She said excitedly.

My eyes widened, "Me? A Gray Jedi?" 

"Wait, what's a Gray Jedi?" Caleb asked.

I placed my head in my hand and leaned against the table, "It's a um, it's basically someone who walks between the Light Side and Dark Side, I think they have an order but no one has seen nor heard from them for hundreds of years. They believe that to keep the balance in the Force, they must be part Light Side and part Dark Side without fully succumbing to the Dark Side."

Maz smacked her hand on the table, "That's exactly what you are, I have met a few Gray Jedi in my time, most of them are Jedi in the Order who don't even know they are Gray Jedi. But I can see it, you have a good amount of Dark Side in you as well."

"There's such thing as a good amount of Dark Side?" Caleb asked, "Jedi aren't supposed to be anywhere near the Dark Side."

"Wait, how do you even know about the Dark Side?" I asked Maz, most common people who weren't Jedi didn't know about the Dark Side since the Jedi tried to hide it, we didn't want people getting confused with the Sith and the Jedi.

"I've been alive even longer than Master Yoda, I know things you'll never know." She says, a smirk on her face.

"Right, well. We came for the location of the weapon, where is it?" I asked her, tired of hearing her gibberish.

"Hmm... why should I give it to the Jedi?" She asked, staring between Caleb and I.

"Because if the Separatists get it, it won't be good for anyone. The Jedi plan to destroy it." I told her, trying to convince her.

"Hmm... I don't know the exact location but I know it's on Endor." She told me, leaning back in her chair.

"Endor? Why Endor?" I asked, such a random planet.

"Because no one would've thought to look there." She says simply, standing up to walk us to the door.

We follow her to the entrance and she opens the door for us, "Thank you." I told her.

"Hmm... You're welcome." She says, her eyes squinting at me.

We started to walk out but she grabbed my arm causing me to turn around and look down at the small, shrivel woman. "Don't deny what you are."

I then became angry, "I am a Jedi, no more, no less. I am no Gray Jedi."

I yanked my arm away and walked out behind Caleb, she really was an acquired taste. But she made me think, she made me think about the Gray Jedi. They used to have a public Order back in the Sith Wars but ever since the Jedi took our place in Coruscant no one has heard from the Gray Jedi in ages. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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