Chapter 4

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A/N: I had a snow day so I finally get to do what I love! Hope you enjoy the updates!
Carrie's POV
     I turned, and looked. The one man I could always count on, my dad was standing by my side, right where I needed him. I knew my dad never liked to talk about feelings, but he was always there when I needed him. I hugged him and he hugged me back, and we stood there for a while. Sometimes in life, it's not about finding the right thing to say, or the right time, it's just about being there for someone. " Larissa certainly knows how to throw a party." Said my dad. I smiled, and replied with " yeah and I certainly know how to throw a pity party." He pat me on the back. He certainly didn't know what happened with Sebastian, but didn't ask. And that's exactly what I needed. " hey you won't get any real guys with your makeup smudged all over your face like that." Said  Dorrit. " Great" I thought, just what I needed, someone to make me feel like I've hit below rock bottom.

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