6) No Hard Feelings

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Ft. Draco and Lily's Theme

Lily's POV
"Lily, are you coming?" Harry asked, straightening his dinner jacket, Emmaline beside him in a pretty forget-me-not blue dress that stopped at her knees.

I looked at him, glancing up from my Potions textbook. "What?"

"Are you coming to Slughorn's supper party?" He asked, slightly impatient.

Shaking my head, I rose and walked over to him, fixing his tie. "Not bloody likely," I muttered under my breath. 

Harry stomped his foot like a child. "Lily!"


"Why aren't you coming?"

"Because I don't particularly want to sit around telling everybody everything about me. I've told Dean I'm not going and he doesn't mind." I rolled my eyes, flopping back down on the couch. "Besides, you and Emmaline are perfectly capable without me, I have some Arithmancy homework to catch up on anyway."

He sighed again, holding his arm out for Emmaline politely, who took it. "Okay, oh and by the way, the team roster is up."

"Where?" I asked, my interested spiked.

"Over on the bulletin board."

Once they had disappeared through the portrait hole, I got up and made my way over to view the team list.

Harry Potter

Ronald Weasley

Ginny Weasley
Katie Bell
Lily Potter

Jimmy Peakes
Ritchie Coote

Harry Potter

Dean Thomas
Cormac McLaggen

I smiled when I saw my name. Really? I would never have thought. Walking into Harry's room, I snatched up the Marauder's Map, only to see Draco's name and footprints disappear on the seventh floor. Smiling slightly to myself, I grabbed the Invisibility Cloak and wrapped it over me, setting out along the halls to find the Room of Requirement.

To my surprise, Draco leant against the wall beside the door waiting for me and when I entered a smile spread across his face and he pulled me in roughly smashing his lips onto mine. It shocked me a little but I wasn't complaining in the least. This roughness, this was new.

We pulled apart for air, our foreheads resting together as our breaths mixed in the small space between us. "You didn't come here to work on the cabinet." It was a statement more than a question but he shook his head in reply anyway.

"Hey, guess what," I whispered breathily. "I made the Gryffindor Quidditch team."

He grinned across from me. "I knew you would, you were incredible out there. I didn't know you could fly?" He pulled his head away to look at me, but his arms were securely wrapped around me holding me there.

"Harry taught me how to ride a broom, but I used to fly around on Marie all the time." I shrugged.

"You're something else." He muttered softly, glancing at my lips, but he didn't have to move because I did it for him, pressing our lips together softly. "What am I going to do with you."

Suddenly, his lips crashed into mine, morphing together as one, as we both got lost in the flurry of passion erupting between us. He backed me up into the door and I gripped the back of his grey shirt, pulling him closer to me. His hands moved from trapping me in place against the door, to cup my face, while one slid down my side and slipped under my shirt.

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