"You're not going to embarrass yourself, kiddo. Hell, I bet you're better than some of the guys trying out." Her brother slapped her shoulder and pulled her in a hug. "Definitely better than that Stilinski kid," just then the two best friends walked onto the field, both eyeing up the Ryder siblings.

"You really think I should?"

"Yes! Look, you can even use my lacrosse stick. The ones here suck." Addy scrunched her eyebrows together; he never let anyone use his lucky stick. "Mom made me get a new one. It's just not the same as my good one."

He showed her the newer stick. It wasn't nearly as worn as the one he got in freshman year. Brayden claimed it was lucky considering it hadn't broken in three years' worth of games. Addy chuckled as he gestured to the worn-out stick next to his bag.

"Now, go change." Brayden shoved the new lacrosse stick in her hands and pushed her towards the change room. Most of the boys were out on the field by now, tossing around a few balls.

Unfortunately, since no girl ever really tried out, the girls' locker room was locked up for the night. Addy let out a sigh as she saw that no one was in the change room. She quickly shoved on some shorts and one of Brayden's tank tops with a neon sports bra underneath.

She didn't really have any sports clothes, and this would have to do until she got some. Thankfully, she did have a pair of orange Nike's for her early morning runs, which she had planned to start up again. High school had drained what ever parts left of what made her a morning person but she was determined to pick up the habit once more. 

Addison Ryder took a deep breath before exiting the sweaty change room. This was it: her last chance to back down. It was time to start doing things besides staying in the house all the time, and this happened to be the perfect opportunity to start something with her life.

"Ads!" Brayden yelled as soon as she walked on the field. She felt embarrassed, as all eyes were on her. She had a lacrosse stick in one hand, the cheap gloves she took from the supply room in the other. A burgundy helmet tucked under her upper arm as she walked onto the field, ignoring the stares.

"God, this is so embarrassing," Addy muttered as soon as she was beside her brother's side. "I'm the only girl here. What the hell was I thinking? This is a terrible idea. I should just–"

"I see you made up your mind."

Addy's eyes widened as she heard the voice behind her. Brayden's smirk quickly turned into a glare as he noticed the young freshman's eyes trail down from the back of his sister's head to her legs. Addy was blessed with long, tan legs, something she really liked about herself.

She spun around on her heels facing Liam. "I guess so, but I'm still having second thoughts," she rushed out so quickly Brayden even had trouble understanding what she said. Liam chuckled, pointing towards the lacrosse stick.

"That yours?"

"Mine actually," Brayden interrupted. He was glad Addy finally had made a friend her age, but he wasn't ecstatic it was a boy. All of her friends were boys, and Addy liked that. She glared up at him, it was not the time to be a protective older brother. "But, uh, I wanted her to have it."

"Alright boys!" Coach Finstock yelled. He blew his whistle, gathering all the players in. Addy's cheeks flushed red. He hadn't noticed her standing there.

"Actually, Coach," Brayden started. He looked over at his younger sister, grinning, "Adster is here too."

Liam nudged Addy's side as she stayed silent. She did a little wave with her lacrosse stick, and for the second time in five minutes, all eyes were on her. She was really starting to wish she had a longer pair of shorts.

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