Chapter 8 -Summer Break Plan?-

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OMG, its finally summer break!!! People will definitely go on a vacation, swimming in pools, chilling around, hanging out with friends...

And I am here...

Ready to be a hermit crab for the rest of my beautiful and wonderful holiday!

Just thinking about my life in my own room makes me comfortable and safe...

Away from the heat..

Away from strangers...

Away from noisy people...

And also away from wasting my energy!!

wOnDErFul pLaN!!!

Or so I thought it would be........................

~Flashback to the last day of school before summer vacation starts~

"[Y/n]-chan!!!! You have to come!! I don't wanna waste these ticketssssssssss!! I worked hard for these you know!?" Hana-chan said as she kept on asking me to come and go on a vacation with her at a countryside.

"Enjoying the nature is good you know!?" She continued

As a matter of fact, to normies that is correct, to me, a hermit crab, I can't really relate to the fact that nature is actually good for me, signals are bad as hell there, and its summer, its gonna be really hot!!!

"No Hana-chan, you don't really understand... Its gonna be SO hot you know, and you know I don't like sweating..." I pouted

"[Y/n], I promise that you'll like it, at least get some outing experience okay???" She continued, not a single wavering was showed on her face.

"Come on Hikaru-kun, help me ask her to go out from her shell!!" She said to Hikaru that was sleeping on his desk.

Well fortunately if now is not lunch break time, he would have been caught by our teacher, but well.. whatups

He groaned and woke up, rubbing his eyes while yawning, stretching his arms out, and slightly shuffled his hair.

'He really looks so cute right now!!' I thought 

'WAIT, [Y/n]!! YOU CAN'T THINK LIKE THIS!!!!' I fought back my first thought

"[Y/n]~~~Please go~~ She also invited me, so go with us, it's gonna be lonely without you you know?" He pouted and added a puppy face.

'I can't say no to that can I???' I thought

"Ughhhh, fine." I said, finally giving in

They both high-fived and laughed.

"I should probably also invite Takaharu-kun, since he's also close to us so why not?" Hana-chan suddenly brought up a random topic and said

With that said, she stood up and went to his desk, asking if he wants join, with a slightly nod and laughs, she came back with a great smile on her face.

For once, I thought I was dead for good.

There goes my anime paradise....

~Flashback Done~

The bell rang as I slightly opened my eyes

'Mannnn' I thought

Today's the day we're going to that place Hana-chan wanted all four of us to go...

I think she said something about a summer festival also while we're there... 

Good thing I've brought my kimono...

I walked up to my door, opening it to see a certain girl with brown ponytails standing in front of my door, and that would be...

"[Y/n]-chan, you just woke up didn't you?" She said

Yupp, it's Hana-chan. 

Without words, she pulled me to the washroom and told me to wash my worn out face. After that, I was comfortably soaking in the hot bath, this is very warm....

"[Y/n]-chan, get out from the bath and wear your clothes I picked out for you, we don't wanna miss our train!" She shouted from the kitchen,

Seems like she's up to something about my clothes, hope its not too flashy, well even so I would still wear it since she got outta her way just to help me get ready for today.

I got up from the bath, wiped myself dry and looked as the clothes she picked up for me.

A white long-sleeved shirt with a brown ribbon, a black pleated skirt with some accessories hanging onto it, and a black Paris-styled cap to go with ALL of this.

I sighed and started to wear the clothes.

I looked at the mirror, seems good I guess???

But since when I have these flashy good-looking clothes???

I went down to find Hana-chan in an apron, washing the frying pan and a plate of some kind of food is well prepared on the table.

A ham and cheese sandwich... NICE!

I ate the sandwich, thanked Hana-chan, and we left the house 5 minutes later. Thankfully the train station was near my house so it was actually really convenient.

We reached the train station at 8:30am, 30 minutes left till our desired train arrives.

"[Y/n]! Hana!" A male's voice rang through our ears,

Oh, it's Hikaru and Taka-kun, but it was Hikaru who shouted though.

Both of the guys were staring at me for like 10 seconds but still they kept talking, like it was only looking at me while they kept on talked about random stuff.

My face was starting a bit hot since I was wearing a short skirt, and people were looking


welp, there goes my anxiety...

Thankfully Taka-kun calmed me down before the train arrived, but my face is still hot..

"It's okay [Y/n], we're here, so don't worry, it's gonna be alright!" He said while reaching his hand out to pet my head.

That really made me feel much calmer and my anxiety began to go away bit by bit, but yet it was still there.

"The train's here guys, let's go!!!" Hana-chan said as she waved to us while calling to us

"Let's go [Y/n]." Hikaru said he lead the way

Taka-kun nodded and followed his back, then I followed at the back also..

I wonder where we're actually going, and thank God there's air conditioning in the train, it was hot as hell outside!!! 

I sat beside Hana-chan, while to my other side, there's Hikaru with Taka-kun beside the window.

Let's just hope I can conserve as much energy I could during this trip....

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