Part 4- Mr. Gordy

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We had been driving for about two hours and the sun was sinking on the horizon. The sky was glowing shades of pink orange and green, I guess all the zombie pollution was impacting the environment as well. My eyes felt heavy and my head was nodding up and down as I struggled to stay awake.

"You can catch a few hours of sleep, I won't wreck" he chuckled.

Without saying anything I leaned over and set my head down on his lap and stretched across the seat. He looked down at me and smiled sweetly "goodnight Ash" he whispered and I grogily responded.

"Goodnight, sharp shooter" a playful grin crossed my face as I faded into sleep.

I awoke suddenly when the full force of the breaks caused me to nearly fall off the seat.

"Holy shit! What happened?" I sat up and shot him a dirty look, but he was staring straight ahead, a look of fear and curiosity on his face. I slowly turned my head and my eyes met with those of a talk stocky man with a gun pointed at us through the winshield. Behind him stood two other smaller men, and a meek looking woman, shakily pointing a handgun in the general direction of the truck. She couldn't have been more than 21.

"Get out of the truck with your hands up!" the man demanded, "any sudden moves and you'll be dead before you hit the ground"

"Maybe they're friendly" I joked, nervously trying to hide my fear. Groups are unpredictable. You never really know what you're dealing with until it's too late.

Back in Utah I ran into a group of people who welcomed me into their community. They had set up on a farm outside of a small town and seemed normal enough. They had food, water, comfortable living space and it seemed safe... That was, until I tried to leave. They turned out to be some cult led by a guy named Gabriel. They thought he was the savior of the apocalypse and anyone who tried to defile his wishes was evil and was thrown into a barn full of Z's. I was lucky to escape with my life.

10k and I slowly got out with our hands raised and met at the front of the truck.

"We're just passing through" 10k explained, "we don't want any trouble"

We seemed innocent enough, so the man motioned for us to put our hands down.

"We could use a safe place to stay tonight. Some supplies and gas would be greatly appreciated" I said, tried to break the tension. Playing helpless usually seems to take the edge off people.

"You can leave your truck here, our camp is a few miles down that path" he motioned to a small break in the tree line where a trail head was. We nodded and grabbed our gear, then followed them into the woods.

"So what are your names" the man asked, glancing back at us.

"Im 10k, this is Ash"

"My name's Sam. That's Derek, Ryan, and Melissa." he motioned to the three others.

"Where you guys headed?" Sam asked.

"North" I replied plainly. The less they knew the better.

10k walked close to me, cautiously eyeing the others and sweeping the area in his head. If we needed to bolt, he wanted to know the way out. After about 15 minutes of walking we approach a talk fence made from scrap metal and car parts.

Sam banged on the gate three times and it slowly open. There were makeshift tents scattered around the enclosure. A giant fire pit say in the middle and wooden tables and benches surrounded it. There was a small cabin near the back and a small shed right next to it. That must be where their leader lives. We walk past the fire pit and up the stairs to the cabin. Once again Sam knocked three times and the door opens.

A short plump man with a grey mustache and beard opens the door and smiled cheerfully upon seeing us.

"Come in come in! Maybe yourselves comfortable" he motions us inside and guides us to a dusty old couch against the wall. We sit down and he takes a seat in a chair across from the coffee table. "My name is James Gordon, but everyone 'round here calls me Mr. Gordy. He spoke with a thick southern accent.

"I'm 10k, this is Ash"

"So what brings y'all this way?"

"We are headed north" 10k replies. His eyes were wandering around the small cabin. "Trying to find our friends"

"hmm, well you folks are the first people we've seen in quite some time" he chuckled deeply. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Both 10k and I leaned forward, eyes wide. I hadn't had a cigarette in over 4 months. I got lucky a while back and found a few in a car but the thought of that sweet tobacco made my mouth water.

I quickly glanced at 10k, just to verify we were thinking of the same thing. Mr. Gordy laughed and extended his hand out, offering us one. We both grabbed one and I ran it under my nose, inhailing the rich aroma.

"How the hell do you have cigarettes, it's the apocalypse!" 10k exclaimed. Mr. Gordy just chuckled and handed me a lighter. The smoke rose off the cherry, and I took a long drag, exhailing slowly. Damn That's good.

"We just need some supplies to last us a few days. We'll be out of your hair in no time" I explained.

"Oh nonsense! Allow me to extend my southern hospitality. Please, stay with us tonight, get some food and a good night's rest." he insisted.

We glance at each other and I shrug my shoulders; why not. We thank him and Sam leads us to the fire pit which was now glowing with flames.

"Dinner will be ready soon" he informs us and then walks away.

"So what do you think?" I look at 10k, trying to read his expression. He had been glancing around the last few minutes and hadnt said anything.

He took a long drag and then after glancing around again he leaned in so our faces were inches apart and looked directly into my eyes, causing me to gasp lightly. "I think they are nice enough, but we should still stay alert and be ready for anything" he whispers.

I nod in agreement and hold the stare a bit longer than I should have. He leaned away and we finished our cigarettes in silence. People were starting to gather at the tables around the fire, they must all eat dinner together.

Mr. Gordy stepped out of his cabin and stood on the top step, he paused and waited for everyone's attention.

"Greetings everybody! Before we distribute tonight's supper, I would like to direct your attention to the back" he extended his arm towards us, at the table.

10k placed his hand on the knife he had strapped to his leg, ready for them to attack.

"These two travelers have stumbled upon our humble home and will be our guests for the next few days, please treat them with your utmost hospitality" they stared at us with wary eyes and then slowly turned back to face Mr. Gordy.

"Now, supper.. Is served"

10k relaxed and placed his hand back on the table. Everyone stood up and walked over to form a line at the shed. Sam stood in front and unlocked the doors, revealing a goldmine of food. He handed each person a small ration. We stood up and joined the line. As we slowly inched our way forward I realized how tired I actually was. Struggling to keep my head up, I leaned my head on 10k's shoulder.

"I know, me too" he placed his hand on my head and we moved forward.

We made it to the front and Sam handed me a can of cream corn and a slice of bread, he gave 10k two granola bars and some dried fruit.

We walked back to the table and split up our food evenly. This place had a pretty good system, but I had a weird feeling about Mr. Gordy... No one is that cheerful during the fucking apocalypse.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been kinda busy. Thank you guys for reading! Please remember to vote :)

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