Part 2- Getting to Know You

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I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Keep reading to find out what happens next between 10k and Ash... (her outfit is pictured above)

My eyes ached as I slowly awoke to a ray of sunlight burning into my face. I jolt up remembering the dark haired boy who calls himself 10k that I had rescued the day before. I look over to see him peacefully sleeping on the mattress. Good, he didn't try to bolt in the middle of the night with a fresh hole in his side.

I quietly slip on my army green studded vest over my black hoodie. I lace up my purple docs and adjust my leather wrist guards. Luckily I was quite the nerd before all this zombie shit went down and I had acquired a few of my accessories at the annual renaissance fair, including my leather wrist guards, my utility belt and a matching pair of knife leg holsters, fully equipped with a pair of sharp hunting knives. On top of those, I had my axe, and my mom's old 9 mm pistol. I also had another handgun I picked off a dead cop back in Nebraska and brass knuckles in my bag. To say I was prepared was an ubderstatement.

I snuck across the wooden floor trying my best not to wake him. He looked so peaceful and... Wow, this boy was gorgeous. I hadn't seen another teenager in almost 3 years, especially not one this beautiful. His thick black hair tangled together in spikes and the sunlight beamed across his skin, highlighting the contours of his thin frame. One arm rested behind his head and his lower stomach was peeking out from under his shirt. I reached out and carefully pulled up his shirt to reveal the rest of his torso. Man, there's just something about a thin pale boy with dark hair... Before I could day dream any longer, his arm snapped up and he gripped tightly to my wrist. I stopped dead in my tracks and our eyes met.

"I... Your bandage.. I..i was just..." I fumbled over my words trying to think of a reasonable explanation for why I was lifting his shirt up while he slept.

"No need to make excuses, I understand completely" he teased, grinning with his tongue between his teeth.

My cheeks burned red and I pulled away.

"I wasn't doing anyth!-" I was cut off by 10k leaping from the bed and covering my mouth with his hand. We both heard the voices now and he looked at me. I nodded and he removed his hand.

"Shit! What are we gonna do?" I was starting to panic. I hadn't run into anyone in the entire month I had been staying here. I didn't want to give up my makeshift home to a group of rugged bounty hunters but when the time comes, all good things must come to an end.

"Heres what we do, gather all the supplies we can carry, bust open the window and escape onto the roof. We can reach your truck and get away before they even know we were up here" He stared at me with a look of reassurance. I nodded in agreement. We both stuffed our bags with food, supplies, clothes and water.

We crept over to the window and with one quick blow of the axe it was shattered. I wrapped an old cloth around my fist and wipe away the broken glass, 10k squeezes out first and slid down to the edge of the roof. I follow closely behind him and as soon as we heard the man keeping watch go inside to investigate the noise, we drop down and bolt for my truck. I hop in the drivers side and 10k takes shotgun. I start up the engine and we get the hell outta dodge.

When we've driven a safe distance, and are sure no one was chasing us I stop the truck and rest my head down on the steering wheel.

"Fuck" I exclaim, slamming my fist on the dash.

"What? What's wrong?" 10k asks, worry in his voice.

"That was the closest thing I've had to a home in years, and now it's gone too! Nothing good ever stays." My eyes well up with tears and I can feel 10k's eyes burning into the back of my head. I look up at him not really expecting a reaction when he leans over and embraces me in a hug.

The Dark Haired Boy/10k [Z Nation]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt