Part 1- What the fuck

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*I don't own any rights to the characters or plot of the show Z Nation. I do however own The OC's of this story*

The sky lit up as a second flare shot up from the coast. Towers of smoke were rising up from the water and I decided it was time to investigate. I grabbed my bag, slid my axe into its holster and held my handgun in front of me, ready to kill anything that got in my way. I snuck down the hillside and crawled into the tall grass that lined the California coast.

Voices crept up the shore, and I could barely make out any words as the waves crashed against the small cliff I was hiding on.


"Where's 10k?!"

"We have to go."

The sound of footsteps slowly faded and soon I was alone, just like the past 4 years of my life. Once the outbreak hit Colorado, it wasn't long until I was on my own. My mom and dad were the first I ever had to mercy. Then my little sister.

My older sister sister was a still out there somewhere. She lived in California and I was determined to make it there and find her, undead or alive.

Along my travels I had met groups who helped me get to where I was now. I had no idea what happened to any of them, but I never stayed. I needed to find my sister, she was the only family I might have left.

For the first time in four years, I put my little family reunion on hold. I needed to search the coast for any survivors of what I found out was a submarine explosion.

I slowly made my way down the cliff and onto the damp sandy beach. I pulled out the scope from my belt and scanned the shore. Nothing. My hope of finding another human being and possibly repaying the debt I owed so many wanderers who have helped me since this whole thing began was slowly fading.

I was about to turn around when on the far left of the small beach I saw a mass of black washed up on shore, slowly bobbing in the shallows. Fear and excitement filled my gut as I sprinted to the hopefully living body.

It was a boy. Not much older than me. His black hair was pasted to his forehead and a slight rise and fall of his chest revealed that he was still alive. Thank god!

I dragged him out from the water and shook him in an attempt to wake him up. Nothing.
Oh no. His lungs are probably filled with water, fuck what do I do!
I turned him on his side and slammed my palm against the middle of his back. His eyes shot open and he coughed up what seemed like a gallon of water before forcefully inhailing.

"What the fuck!" he yelled as he gasped for another breath.

"Relax dude, relax. I just saved your life okay"

He fell onto his back and looked up at me in shock. His blue eyes pierced the atmosphere, they were almost glowing. He tried to get to his feet on his own, but winced in pain and clutched his lower abdomen. He was shirtless, and I failed to notice the giant blood stained bandage that covered the majority of his left side.

"Damn, are you okay?" I asked, as I eyes his fresh wound.

"I got shot." he breathed as he collapsed once again.

He wasn't going anywhere on his own with a wound like that... I had to do something.

"Look, you aren't going to make it far with a would that fresh and that severe. I have a car in the woods about a mile from the coast. You need fresh bandages and antibiotics."

"I need to find my friends!" he said struggling to get up again, but to no avail.

"You won't survive long enough to find them if you don't let me help you." I warned him. He gave me a defeated look and held out his arm. I wrapped it around my neck, grabbed my bag and hauled him to the car.

The Dark Haired Boy/10k [Z Nation]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя