Chapter 1

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I own only the plot. I do not own Marvel or PJ/HoO


Natasha POV

I'm at a candy store where a boy around 17 (deal with it, anyway he beat Gaea already) is buying a lot of blue candy. I see him exit after a few seconds I exit the store and I'm joined by Clint, we're following a terrorist, a 17 year old boy with black hair and sea-green eyes. He turns into an alley. He turns around and looks at us.

"Stop following me."

I am unfazed and say "Perseus Jackson?"

He seems to get on his defences when his first name was pronounced and holding something in his pocket "Who or what are you?"

"You must come with us."

"How about no."

I give a nod to to Clint, who just strung a bow, he just notched his arrow.

Perseus eating a blue snake jerks his head up, drops the bag of candy and grabs the arrow before it reaches his shoulder. "Hanging with man-hater girls obsessed with arrows does wonders" 

Then he looks at the point of the arrow for a second or two, just enough for me to throw a punch. His eyes widen and stops it to then throw me a punch that knocks me out.

Percy POV

I am really sorry for knocking out a mortal, but I am scared of what Annabeth would do if I don't get home in time. She gets really scary and I don't want to be judo flipped. She's scared that I will disappear for 8 months again or disappear like Leo. Nico told us he isn't dead. I have a sneaky suspicion it involves a certain lonely girl on an island, but I'm not sure.

The archer notches another arrow that I grab again, doesn't he ever learn. I am ready to throw another punch, but someone has to take red-head home, so I do the only sensible thing and run. 

I run for a while until I arrive to central park, too many people he will never find me. I start walking home where my mom is waiting for me certainly with a batch of cookies before I go to camp.

I get in front of my mom's apparent and I'm putting the keys into the door when someone puts an arrow into my shoulder. I turn around to see arrow dude. I look at my arm, then look at him "really"

I start to feel dizzy, but not enough to put me off balance, I think I had my fair share with poison to make me slightly stronger to it.

Clint POV

How is he standing, he should be sleeping, he looks in deep thought so I put another in the other shoulder.

Percy POV

Stupid ADHD, I would have knocked him out if not for my thoughts, well now I'm really dizzy, but I'm not going down without a fight. I won't yell, because I want to keep safe my family so I kick him hard. Unfortunately I am sinking to darkness, but before this happens I put on a smirk and then I only see darkness

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