[18] Love and Fear

Start from the beginning

     "Mione--Bagman didn't pass information on purpose, did he?"

     Hermione shrugged.

     "And Fudge reckons Madame Maxime attacked Crouch?" Ron said, turning back to Harry.

     I felt my heart jump to my throat. Madame Maxime was now getting blamed? I was there. I know it didn't happen. It would have been the honorable thing to come forward about what I'd witnessed, but somewhere in the back of my mind I was afraid if I did, that they'd just blame me for the attack. I didn't want to stir things up worse than they already were.

     "Yeah," said Harry, "but he's only saying that because Crouch disappeared near the Beauxbatons carriage."

     "We never thought of her, did we?" said Ron slowly. "Mind you, she's definitely got giant blood, and she doesn't want to admit it--"

     "Of course she doesn't," I said sharply, "Look what happened to Hagrid when Rita found out about his mother. Look at Fudge, jumping to conclusions about her, just because she's part giant. Who needs that sort of prejudice? I'd probably just say I had big bones if I knew that's what I'd get for telling the truth."

     Hermione looked at her watch. "We haven't done any practicing!" she said, looking shocked. "We were supposed to do the Impediment Curse! We'll have to really get down to it tomorrow! Come on. Harry, you need to get some sleep."

     Harry and Ron slowly trudged upstairs to their dormitory while Hermione and I stayed behind.

     "I'm going to bed." I said stiffly, standing up and stretching. I felt as if she knew all about the fact that I was hiding secrets, so I decided it would be best to slip out before she could ask. Just as I turned around, Hermione had my hand and was pulling me back down to the floor.

     "I just needed to get rid of them," She whispered, her eyes darting to the entrance of the boys dormitories and then back to me, "I needed to talk to you."

     I nodded, sitting back down next to her. I couldn’t say no, that would only make me look more suspicious. Oh, here it goes. If she wasn't so bloody smart I wouldn't have had to act so oblivious. "Don't you tell Ron and Harry everything?"

     "No, actually." She gave a soft smile, but it was soon once more replaced by her seriousness, "Ash, I know you were in the woods with Mr. Crouch and Harry the night Viktor was attacked."

     I felt like I was about to be sick. This conversation was about to lead to a line of very uncomfortable questions. I could only hope Hermione had enough faith in me and my goodness that she didn't think I did it.

     "Yes." I whispered reluctantly, "Mione, I'm not so sure I want to talk about thi--"

     "I need you to tell me what happened when Harry left to go get Dumbledore."

     "If-- if I tell you, will you promise never to repeat it?" I asked hesitantly. She shook her head no, and crossed her fingers over her heart. I wanted to grin at the gesture, as it was sort of odd for her, but my lips couldn't preform the action. "After... after Harry left, Crouch was still pretty convinced that the tree was Percy. When I asked him if he was going to be alright he said that it was too late for him. I wasn't sure what he meant, and was half convinced it was still just crazy babbling, but then told me I was in grave danger..." I began to spill my guts out to Hermione, not passing up a single detail. She looked a good mix of shocked and fearful the entire time I spoke. "... And then the two figures took him. I don't know how, and I don't know where, because I hadn't been watching that part. I was too busy getting to Viktor and calling for help. I told Dumbledore I didn't see who attacked Vik, which is the truth, but I heard their voices, and it wasn't anyone that I recognized."

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