Let It Be Ours: Our Beginning

Start from the beginning

I know I am not helping anything by rushing him and yet I can't help myself. I feel scared, no, not scared, freaking terrified. I have the sneaking suspicion that I have been somehow connected to Aren, am somehow feeling her emotions. And what I am feeling isn't good at all.

I can see clearly that Bamon is already packed to the brim with weapons that I know from experience he can handle with deadly accuracy. He'll need them. It may only be doctors inside but it's been requirement for all doctors for many years to have extensive combat training. After World WarIIII when so many much needed doctors died from attacks the country made it law for them to know how to defend themselves.

This won't be our easiest run. As the large scum covered building, hidden amongst the trees, comes into view I clap my hand on Bamon's shoulder. "I can't thank you enough for helping me with this Bamon. When we get back you'll have to apologize to your wife for me."

Bamon looks over his shoulder at me, that well known smirk on his face, "You can tell her yourself my friend, when we get there."

I smile and he looks back as he guides the aircraft down parallel to the building. It is silent as we step off the detatchable stairs. Bamon inhales sharply through his nose. A routine I am accustomed to. Bamon likes to smell the fresh air before he pollutes it with the smell of death.

He takes a step forward but I stop him, "Wait," I say, "There's something I should probably tell you first."

He looks back at me, slim white eyebrows raised, ready to kill and wondering why I'm making him wait "The woman we're rescuing." I say, "All I told you is that she's beautiful and that I love her."

Bamon nods, "Yes." His voice is irritated, it says 'get on with it man.'

"Well, she's really tall...and she has long black hair...andwingsandatailandblackeyesthatarebeginningtoshowsomepurple."

I rush the last part, making it one extremely long word, but Bamon hears and he gawks at me, "DUDE! An alien?!"

I meet his eyes defiantely, "Dude yes, an alien. Now, we have bigger things to discuss. Like those guard running at us." I point behind him and he whirls, raising two glowing sabers.

I narrow my eyes, I'm coming Aren.


He slices in just below my breasts and I can feel him touching the bones that protect my hearts. What the humans call 'ribs.' The pain is excruciating and my hands claw at the table. My taloned toes scrape at the metal. My eyes flare with color and my ears are filled with the sound of the students incessant notetaking. Marking every reaction. They are enjoying this, learning about my species' response to pain. I wonder how many others they've done this too. How many others they've written down the results of.

But then I hear a loud crack and the pain is all I feel, all I can think about.


We dispatch the first few quite easily, saving one to demand, or torture out of, the knowledge of Aren's location. Neither know, I only learn this after I kill them both. Then we proceed inside where Bamon happens to see a paper with a schedule on it, where one 'Debriefing' is marked, (the code word for dissection) is scheduled to take place...and has been going on for the past 45 minutes.

My heart jumps in my chest and my vision dims. If it wasn't for Bamon yanking my arm I probably would have passed out.

"We have to hurry." I mumble.

Bamon looks at me like I'm an idiot. "This I know Feolis. So hurry up."

He pulls me along until I get a grip and wrench away from him. The paper said down. The -4th floor. We need to find a portevator or stairs. Either would work. We pick up speed, dropping people in lab coats like pins at a bowling alley. The required battle preparation must have slackened since it became law.

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