Let It Be Ours: Our Beginning

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Bamon took an agonizing amount of time in picking him up. It was torturous. Feolis couldn't stop imagining what horrible things they could possibly be doing to her. To his Aren. He would clamp his hands on the sides of his head and shake it viciously from side to side like a dog with a toy.

But finally Bamon arrived with the objects he had asked for. Feolis looked at him as he swang into the hovercraft. "Thanks man but could you have gone ANY faster?"

Bamon raised an eyebrow at him, "I didn't even have to come you know. You called me in the middle of my honeymoon."

Bamon pushed a lever forward and and the hovercar lurched up as he shifted the gravitational pull.

"You got married?" Feolis asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah man, to the most magnificent woman in the world."

Feolis laughed, "I don't know about that."

Bamon shook his head at him and looked back at the front window. Feolis observed his friend for the first in quite a while. Bamon was still a giant. Still bald. He still had biceps that were the size of thighs and had well developed muscles in every part of his body. He had a blocklike head and whiskers on his chin just like always. And he still wore those ugly robe like clothes instead of normal wear. He said they were 'comfy' and brought out his hair.

That was Bamon trying to make a joke. He hadn't had hair for decades.

Feolis began stocking his person back up with weapons and then sat beside Bamon in the copilots seat. Despite everything he was calm. This he knew. This he understood. Riding into battle to fetch something with his old partner. It was Arens turn to be rescued.


The 'doctor' man had been interrupted by a persistent student who was enquiring on whether or not it was proper protocol to open me up while I was not sedated. Or if it was the best idea since I was part of an endangered species. The Doctor man glared at the student and spit "If I WANTED your OPINION I would ASK it of you. NOW SHUT UP AND TAKE THE NOTES!"

I raised my eyes to the student and spoke for the first time, "Are you going to let him do this. Don you not want to see how I act. Study me externally a little further before you go in?"

The student frowned and his pen stopped moving over the page. The doctor snarled animalistically and pressed the button to cause the pain. I thrashed in agony until he finally let off. "Speak again vermin and I'll make it even more slow and painful."

I spoke to him not so nicely in my native language and he cackled, "See how intimidating she is?"

He sighs and checks the restraints around my arms, legs, wings and head. My tail flutters nervously of its own will. Despite what Feolis said to me I am scared. I am not 'tough.' I am terrified. I am not afraid of death, I know I am not, and yet I am still close to tears.

The man shuffles near and all of the students lean forward with anticipation as he brings the scalpel closer. Closer. Until it seems to take over the entire world. The sight of that sharp point approaching. He is smiling when he makes the first incision.

I am detatched from my body and I am with Feolis. Loving him. Seeing him for the first time. When I saved him from the arena, flew him away. And dropped into the water. I smiled, remembering, and I feel the others murmer with questions at it. At my smile.


I feel the insane need to hurry. I lean forward and push against Bamon's rock hard shoulder. He ignores me, focusing on the fog ahead of us. The bulding they had taken her to was located in the middle of a densely packed swamp. It was taking all of Bamons abilities to navigate around the hubris and swamp floura and fauna.

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