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Again Feolis woke first, with a fire burning in his heart. He swallowed thickly and looked down at his chest. Instead of a feather he found Aren's head resting above his heart, her raven black hair pooling across him and over her eyes. Her wings were thrown across his body and spread out along the cave ground, brushing against the wall. Outside it still showered like there was no tomorrow. It was then that he thought about his father. The mssion he had had since childhood to avenge his death and bring torment and death to his murderers. 

Feolis truly didn't know what his dad would think about this picture. He was sleeping wlith an alien. In the regular tense. And he had been able to sleep very soundly since he had met her, and it seemed Aren was the same way. She did not shift or moan. Her posture was utterly relaxed and peaceful. She trusted him. Maybe it was time he started trusting her. 

Maybe it was time he gave up his pointless quest. His father was dead and he had provided enough money from smuggling to send his sister to college twice over. The only one in his family with the problems was himself and he'd heard his sister had even gotten herself a nice guy. Maybe it was about time he let his heart lead him instead of his anger. 

But that was a lot of maybies. 

He brushed the hair away from Aren's face and she shifted and made a light and very cute sound in the back of her throat but didn't wake. Feolis smiled and moved his hands over her wings until they came to rest between them. He rubbed gently and she stretched, rubbing her face into his bare chest. Something new stirred inside of him, something coming awake, something strong. 

He smiled wryly, the guys back in the city would never believe this. When he-. 

Then he remembered. Aren was dying. His people would never see her. She had to get to her home planet. Feolis swallowed thickly, still rubbing her back. He kknew he couldn't survive in a world of darkness and Aren couldn't survive here. 

She opened her eyes, blinking the red lids rapidly. A smile formed over her face making Feolis laugh. She met his eyes and layed her chin just under his clavicle, wrapping her arms around him. "What are we going to do?" Feolis sighed, looking at her. She shook her head and moved off of him. She stretched as much as the small cave allowed, as seemed to be her morning routine, and looked around. 

"Is there any sort of sustenance for you in here?" She asked. 

Feolis stood, "Well there is a cave mold I know of that I can digest but I don't know if this cave has it." 

"Let us look then," she smiled. Her tail weaved happily at the ground. Thunder crackled outside and Aren flinched. Feolis chuckled and moved closer to her, putting his arm around her waist and nestling into her neck. 

"What does this mean," She questioned softly. 

feolis smiled, "It means friendship," he said and she smiled, then stepped forward. 

"What does this cave mold look like?" She slid her hand down the cave wall and it came away slick with condensation. 

"It's dark, leafy, like cooked spinach," She frowned and Feolis could tell she didn't know what spinach was. She didn't ask though, instead she moved through the cave and began searching. 

They eventually located some and returned to where they had slept before and pushed the gook in a pile. Feolis looked at it with trepidation. Such a meager pile of grotesque 'sustenance.' 

Aren looked at him, wings folded against her back and tail still, something was obviously working at her mind. 

"What is it Aren?" Feolis murmered. 

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