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I jerked awake with a snap, wrapping my hand around a humans throat and pulling him close before he had time to react. A man jumped to attention across the room and I recognized him as the one I had rescued.

"Hey now," the one I held said in a deep voice, "I was only trying to help." I evaluated the truth in his tone and came to the resolution that he was not lying.

I released him and he stumbled forward, rubbing his throat. I gently touched my shoulder. I healed fast and against those pathetic human weapons I had only lost alot of blood. Alot of blood that my body had already mostly replaced while still working on healing the wound. I multitasked. I would be fine.

"Thank you," I murmered, "Now I will go that I see this man is safe." I nodded the one I had saved and he looked confused for a moment. The same expression and emotion all humans shared. Confusion. Such a usless emotion.

"Wait, wait, hold your horses." He held his hands up while I looked around, brow creased.

"What horses?" I asked and they both stared at me as if I was crazy. I went blank, expressionless. "Do you want me to stay here with you?"

"I never said that," He replied offensively.

"Then why did you tell me to wait? I must go human. Quit playing your games and direct me to your nearest port so I can return to my home planet." He frowned, meeting my eyes.

"Don't you see. You can't just leave. You escaped from the arena. No one does that. They're not just going to let you back." He said and stepped forward. I growled warningly and he raised he hands. I looked at the other man.

"Who is this?" I nodded to him.

"Van," He said striding forward and stretching his hand out. I looked at it before glancing back up. So, what do I do now. Well, I escape the planet of course. I had to get home to my family. I started for the door, but the man stepped in front of me.

"let us help you." He said and I looked at him skeptically.

"Why would you help me," I asked.

"I wouldn't Van answered but the man ignored him.

"Because you can help me," he grinned and my resolve deepened. Another human, wanting to exploit me. But I would hear him out. My hushand had always said I was to kind. And then he'd died.


"My parents were murdered a long time ago," I explained, "and i've been working for very long to pay for my sisters college and to find my parents murderers to bring them to justice."

The alien suddenly looked sad and I frowned. Did she not understand. "You want to take revenge for something that happened so long ago?"

I gritted my teeth, "Look, Alien. If you help me i'll help you. Got it?"

"I will help you Human," She sighed and nodded, "And you will help me?" I nodded and she glanced at Van who was glaring at me.

"You give me no choice, i'll have to help you both." Van sighed and I glanced at her but she seemed completely oblivious, marveling at the window.

"This world is not as was described to me," She murmered. I watched her, seeing the homeache and lonliness etched across her features.

I stepped forward, "I'm Feolis," I said. She looked at me in suprise, before saying.

"I am Aren," she nodded to me and turned to look at Van. The edge of her wing caught the table corner and it flipped upward with a crash. Van glared at her and she crossed her arms, tail flicking. "Sorry," She shrugged and gazed around at his house. Small but still a place to stay.

She swept her black hair back from her neck and smiled at me, showing her fangs. "Let's get started. What do you remember?"

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