Playing Around

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He continued to glare at me before I sighed and sat back down. He rubbed at his eye and came and sat beside me. I hesitantly touched my leg wound, it itched greatly as it healed and it was a struggle for me not to mess with it.

After a moment of awkward silence Feolis spoke up, "You know this is so strange for me." He said.

I glanced at him as I picked at stuff stuck in the primary feathers of my wings, "How so?" I asked.

He leaned back, "I'm sitting beside an alien, in a cave at who knows where and..." he froze up leaving me wondering what he had been about to say. I didn't push him though and instead nodded.

"Strange for me too. I am sitting beside a Human man. Humans who have been almost nothing but cruel and vicious to me." I scowled amd plucked at a broken feather, "and they wonder why we want to hurt them."

Feolis looked at me strangely and I realized what I'd said. Oh well.

I leaned back and closed my eyes, pulling my knees up. Then my eyes flashed open as I felt a touch on my foot. "We're not all the same," he murmered softly. He seemed so compassionate, so much like Fell.

I gasped, how could I even relate those two.

Feolis registered my surprise and rocked back, "What is wrong?"

I quickly answered, "nothing," I shook my head. "So what are we going to do?"

He sighed and shrugged, "I don't know Aren. I really don't see how we can do anything I haven't done already. I guess I didn't think it through." He leaned back, grief plain on his face and I was surprise at the amount of how much I wanted to make ot better.

I watched him before coming to a conclusion. I stood up and moved in front of him. "Are you afraid of heights?" I asked.

He glanced up at the abrubt question and shook his head, "No, why?"

I ignored the question and asked one of my own, "Do you like them?"

"Well, I guess, why are you asking me this?"

"We are going to do something fun. We are going to fly." I grinned and pulled him up, wrapping my arms around him and running for the cave mouth and jumping into the air. He grasped my arms as I strived up and up, over the ocean.


My breath was violently ripped from my chest as we moved upward. The sound of her wings was the only thing I could hear. It was the consistant sound of a heart beat, only faster.

I clamped my hands over her arms, holding tightly. I didn't trust her not to drop me. Though she hadn't given me any reason not to trust her I had been betrayed to many timed to make the same mistake again. And I wasn't even taking into account the fact that she was an ALIEN.

Suddenly she dropped and I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying out in surprise. We hit solid ground and her knees buckled. We fell to the ground and landed tangled up together, her on my chest, her hair fallen forward to cocoon our faces. "Sorry," she murmered, "You are not the lightest of people that I have carried."

I didn't respond, focused on her eyes. A little bit of color was beginning to show through the black. Almost purple, or maybe very dark blue.

She remained on my chest, her wings on either side of us. Her red lips were lush and full, just begging me to kiss them. I leaned forward and her breathing heightened.

Suddenly the wind picked up, blowing a cold draft across us. I shivered and pushed myself away from her.

She disentangled herself with a look of almost dissapointment. A look that frightened me, because if she was dissapointed it meant she felt something for me. My gut twisted and crossed my arms and looked around.

My breath caught in my throat. We were high. I mean HIGH. We were on a cliff overlooking an extreme expanse of ocean. Far, far in the distance I could see the fiery lights of Malingo. My city. And as I shuffled closer to the edge my stomach dropped out the distance between me and the water.

I looked back at Aren who was smiling lightly, her wings folded neatly against her back and her tail waving gently at her ankles. Alien bodies are not so different from ours, they defenitely weren't the little green men as was the belief centuries ago before they had found us.

"It is beautiful this planet," Aren murmered, her gaze rose to the sky and a sadness filled her features. "It is not so bad." She shook her head gently as if trying to convince herself.

"Aren," I murmered, my heart wrenched at seeing her like this.

She brought her gaze back down to encompass me and after a moment she moved to my side, looking down at the water. "I-" she began but stopped immediately. "Did you hear that?"

I frowned and listened, "No, did-" suddenly she grabbed me and dived forward, behind a rock, wrapping her wings around us to shroud us in darkness.

Then I heard it, a very low purring, like that of a chameleon aircraft, designed to blend into its surroundings and for stealth. It passed overhead and I held my breath, looking upward even though I couldn't see through Arens wings.

I breathed in relief as it moved on and Aren unwrapped her wings from us. I looked at her and spoke, "you saved me again."

She shrugged, an act I had noticed alot from her strangely, very human, and stood. She kept her weight on her current good leg and looked around, tail snapping with irritation. "We must relocate, they will find us if we do not."

Her lack of contractions was beginning to irritate me. Like, can't, won't, shouldn't, we're, i'm, things like that. But I nodded, agreeing with her.

"Leave now" she asked.

"Well, shouldn't we-" she interrupted me again, sprinting forward. I stepped back in surprise and my foot slipped over the edge. This time I did yelp as her arms encircled my waist and we shot up into the air.

We really needed to have a talk about her doing this to me, and soon.

ArenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora