leaving the boys

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You and harry sat in the park harry feeding you strawberries while you sat on his lap the baby moved around in your stomach harry smiled "the baby is a right wriggler " you sighed "its cos your here " harry cupped your face whispering " i love you so much" a tear fell down your cheek he wiped it away with his thumb pressing his lips in yours you pulled away forehead touching " harry i was thinking instead of call our baby the baby maybe we should call it him or her" harry frowned"but we don't know the sex of the baby" you bit your lip "i was thinking that we should find out" he looked at you"do you want to know the sex or do you already know" you put your hand around his neck as tears fell into your chest you hugged him "i don't know the sex and if you want to wait then we will" he looked at you a smile on his face "thanks " you kissed his lips he kissed back"lets go back to the hotel room and celebrate probably" he winked you smiled "of course fiancé" he laughed as you got up helping him pack up the picnic walking hand in hand back


2hours later

You laid down panting as Mary laid next to you watched her snuggle up to you her arm wrapped around your stomach closing her eyes falling asleep you laid there thinking you looked at her left hand the engagement ring on her finger it looked perfect on her you watched her breath in and out you felt the baby kick a smile on your face you closed your eyes falling asleep.

You woke up at 1pm Mary was fast asleep next to you you sat up wrapping the blanket over your naked body grabing your mobile you texted Louis.

Meet me in hotel lobby on 10mins

You got a reply in seconds

On my way down see you soon

You looked at Mary she was fast asleep you got up and found your clothes put them on and kissed her forehead leaving a note shutting the hotel door and walking down the stairs meeting Louis at the front.

"hey Lou how was your day with Eleanor?" Louis smiled "well i know i never said anything but me and Eleanor are moving in together " you nodded "that's great well i kinda proposed to Mary and she said yes so were getting married" Louis hugged you"congrats harry that's great am i the first person you have told?" you nodded"yeah me and Mary are very happy" he frowned at you "are you sure you want to marry her i mean in happy for you but are you doing it because of the baby harry i have known you for 3years and i know you just think about it harry" you looked at him anger rose though you "i am marrying her for the right reason i love her when she nearly died all i could feel is heartbreak and guilt i drove us when the car crash happened and a amazing miracle happened not only dis she survive so did our baby" Louis looked at you in confusion"what she was pregnant before the accident how long have you known did they find out in hospital when she was in a coma?" you sighed "no ww found out by how far along she is look i love her if you cant be happy for me then don't bother me in done " before you could think you walked up to the elevator aa the door opened without looking back you pressed floor 3


you woke up to find harry gone you frowned aa you heard sobs from inside the room you looked around to see a figure in the corner you got up and walked over "harry are you ok" he looked up a smile formed on his face"me and Louis had an argument i told him about us getting married he said that i was marrying you to fast that i was only doing it for,the baby i told him that he was not true i love you and i was marrying you because i loved you ." tears fell down his cheeks you sat infront of him "i love you to but you need to go and speak to him he wil understand how you feel about us " you kisses his forehead hugging him he just frowned"i cant Mary this time there's no going back " tears fell down both your cheeks you looked at harry "let me talk to him stay here " he shook his head "Mary don't please just leave it to me promise me you won't ok" you sighed "harry i cant not speak to him his dating my sister and you are going to perform tonight if not for the band or me for the baby our unborn baby i don't care what Louis said about us he is looking out for you maybe not by saying us getting married but his your friend his your band member so just forgive him" harry looked at you "okay i love you too much to just let this go i will do the concert tonight then we can plan our wedding and have the baby Mary please don't worry about the boys were not splitting up i promise" harry kissed your lips lightly and stood up leaving you on the floor he put out his hands pulling you up he whispered"im going to go find him" then he was gone out the door you stood there for about five minutes thoughts whirling in your mind before getting ready for the concert.

An hour later

You where wearing a knee length dress in black your hair in a bun with black flats harry had texted you saying there would be a cab waiting for you and Eleanor she was wearing a blue jeggings with a one direction t-shirt and converse you both walked out of the elevator smiling as you got into the car you got a text from harry.

Im sorry Hx

You arrived at the stadium going straight back stage "Mary is harry with you" you frowned and look up at Liam "no i just got here where is he ?" "i don't know one minute he was here rehearsing next he was gone " Louis ran over holding a note"Liam he left a note he doesn't want to be in the band" you stood there gob smacked " he wouldn't let me find him and talk to him " you marched of ringing harry........

End of chapter

Thanks for reading will post more soon xx

take me home (onedirection fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang