This man was inhumane.

His eyes, even though a beautiful silver color, were cold. Dead.

I haven't even realized that I was staring at an Alpha's eyes, an act though of a challenge especially if from a female. Defiance. I was about to change my focus back onto the BlackHowlers standing around my pack members, waiting for their Alpha's command to kill, untill I realized that the alpha was staring back at me.

His strong strides were now directed my way, a look of pure rage on his face. Now I was mesmerized. His eyes held me captive and I just cant look away. Silver. I knew he was in control.

Jason's hands soon circled around my waist, bringing me behind him. Atanding between me and my killer. The Alpha released a growel so animalistic, a sound to inferior, so frightening.

Now everyone was silent. No one dared to make a sound, all attention focused on us.

After what Jason has done, I was sure he was going to me dead. The thought alone sent me into paniking mode. I didnt even realize what I was doing until I spoke up. " No stop." I was now standing infront of the alpha himself. The murderer responsible for all my misery. The animal spilling all this blood. He took away the lives of my family and he was goi g to take away my life too. " He- he" I didnt even know what to say, but what I did know is that I have this man's attention. And maybe thats all I needed. I need to be a distraction maybe then someone can escape. Maube then I can save my loved ones.

All I had to do was keep on rambling.

All I knew was this man was a monster, and as his eyes bore more into mine, I could see surprise flashing through them, I spoke without thinking. I spoke my thoughts. " How can such beuatiful eyes belong to a monster."

As the words left my mouth I knew I was dead meet. I spoke them so softly. Only the alpha was able to hear them.

He growled out, sneering at me, his arms reaching out, graving my hips hard and pulling me into him. " I'll show you a monster." By now everyone around was watching, no one dared to breath a sound.

His eyes still never left mine. And I was hypnotized by his.

" Don't kill him." were my only words. My voice so shaking, laced with the fear I harbour. He seemed surprised, maybe even a bit curious. But he refused to show any more emotions. I didnt even think he was capable of showing any.

"Why shouldn't I." he spit the words out. He and I, both our voices so low for anyone else to hear, yet loud and clear enough for each one of us to understand the other.

As my eyes bore more into his, frightment running through my veins, he can already see my answer in my eyes. " I love him." my words were simple. But he knew it was anything but, love was rare, especially for an unmated couple.

The Alpha's hold on my hips were now painful, almost crushing my bones. He probably already sensed my pain as he has my fear since he eased his hold on me a bit. "I'll give you a choice. Youre life or his. Choose."

His words came crashing down on me. But what have I expected anyway? This is what I wanted. I need to make the best of this.

"You will not take anymore lives. You have spilled enough blood. Only one more, you take my life, and then you go." my words were strong. Determination seeping through it.

" You don't tell me what to do. Dont push your luck with me." his hands grabed both my arms bringing me closer to him if that was even possible.

" Please. What has this pack ever done to you?" my words were pleading. I was beghing for the lives of my family. If he heard he, he chose to not acknowledge me.

And finally after a very long pause that seemed like forever he spoke. "How many?" he must have seen the look of confusion on my face sonce he clarified his wirds again. "How many lives do you want me to spare, for yours?"


He scoffed at my words. "You are in no position to make demands. You know that I can just snap your neck right now."

"I know." I agreed with his words nodding my head slightly.

The alpha was waiting, thinking that I have something more to say. But I didnt. And I felt defeated.

By now, treacherous tears spilled out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

"Please. I'll do anything." were my words of despair.

His eyes glazed over, a giveaway that he was mindlinking. And soon enough, one by one his pack member were retreating.

A feeling of pure relief and joy washed over me.

"You're leaving us alone?"

"You're not that lucky." his words crashed down all my hopes.

The alpha turned around, his hold on me still strong enough not to let me go. " Bring me their alpha." he commanded. And two wolves apoeared out of no where. Trailing a beated alpha behind them.

My heart broke for my leader.

No one should go through that kind of humiliation.

"I will take her, along with half your land, in return for sparing you pack's pathetic lives." the BlackHowler's alpha demanded. He was not asking for permission nor was he requesting anything.

He was informing our alpha. And our alpha new better than to object.

I on the other hand didn't know what to feel. I should be happy, after all this is what I wanted. My life for theirs.

I leaned a bit into the alpha, not wanting anyone else to hear my words, as he tensed up a bit. " Please dont kill me in front of my family."

I already knew that I asked for too much. " Its my last request. Not on front of them."

His response was short. " I won't."

As relief washed over me again, I was thankfull that they didnt have to see me in such a condition.

The Alpha's eyes were now on mine. Emotionless. I had no idea what he was thinking. And he wasn't about to tell me.

I then glanced back at my Family. My mother was crying hysterically while my father hugged her close to him. Violet now was watching me close, her eyes never leaving mine. Her hands clenched tightly just like my brothers. At least he will calm her down. My eyes then return to Jason's and before I could take him in the alpha growled loudly, his hands now pulling me close to him, his mouth so close to my ear " Don't look back at him." his breath hitting my soft skin hard. It was a command. One I never intend to follow. I was dead anyway.

"Can I say goodbye?" I asked

"No." his voice monotonous, as his armed snaked around my waist, pulling me away from my pack, away from my loved, and into my doom. I tried my best to fight his hold on me, i tried to run back to them, " please " i begged " I just wnat to say goodbye." "no. Wait. Just say goodbye." by now my eyes were full of tears my vision was blurry I couldn't even see properly.

But the alpha was not having any of my words as his steps didnt even falter taking me to my end.

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