"Well, alright." She said.

"Yeah. Baby, I will just come in a moment, need to pay the bill." He said after a beat and gave her a flying kiss.

"Just Go.." She shook her head but smiled.
30 minutes passed.
Initially she didn't notice the time but she was worried now, as she couldn't find him anywhere.
He went to pay the bill but didn't return. Unfortunately there was no battery in her cell. It was difficult for her cell to survive even a single call. So she noted Gautam's number and went to a pay booth.

"Hello?" He answered after 2 rings.

"Gautam? Where are you?" She asked.

"Who is this??"

"Sneha... Are you--"

"Shit!! Sneha.. I'm coming back. I'm soo sorry. I.. just wait." And the call disconnected.

'He forget me here!! What the hell??' She was angry and frustrated with him now.

She was furious when he came back. Though he apologized but still she punched him with all her force, unfortunately he was too strong for it.

As they passed and green fields emerged on their either side, Sneha's anger was replaced by joy and her happiness knew no bound. A life long wish to visit a village, to visit a place full of love and compassion. A life of simple people, fields and beautiful crops, little children with actual games instead of Xbox. All that she admired in movies was now a reality of her existence.

'Funny, she was not suppose to be here, Riddhima was. She belongs to Mayank' she thought.
'But now what the fate did. She is here with no lies but actually as Mrs. Sneha Gautam Chauhan, or Mrs. Riddhima Gautam Chauhan for now.'

She was lost in the moment when suddenly the car came to a halt.

"What wrong?" She asked in a confused tone while looking towards him.

"The glasses are black." He murmured not answering to Sneha's question.

"Huh?" She asked in a confused tone.

"Stay inside." He said and went out of the car.

It was then she saw almost hundreds of people standing in front of their car with a serious look and big dandas(hard stick). She worriedly glanced towards him who was approaching them. She was about to call him, when the suddenly she heard the sound of dhol, everybody started dancing and all the men gathered around him, picked him up and started dancing along with him. Gautam on their shoulder was going far from her.

'What is happening?' She thought and frowned.

Then she noticed that a flock of women gathered around her door, and dragged her out.

"Good choice...."
"Modern but Desi..."
All the women were talking among themselves and were dragging her along with them.

'So this is where he got his habit of dragging people?' She thought.

"From where?" A lady asked her in broken English.

"New Delhi." She politely replied.

"Who all in family?" Another asked.

"Mom, Dad, an elder brother and bhabhi(sister-in-law).

"Wow.." A few said in unison.

Her eyes were desperately searching for him.

All the ladies stopped in front of a huge mansion and that scared her. He said that it was small white house. But this place is huge!! She is definitely at this wrong place!!!

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