The War

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BEN'S pov
I stood to the left of Link staring at the castle. I wonder what he's thinking?
Dark ugh when will we storm the castle and take the princess?
Link we're not taking the princess
BEN What?
Link. We're going to kill her
Dark What ?! We can't kill her
BEN no he's right the only reason why we fail is because we don't kill her
Zelda pov
I can't stand it the strange burning sensation what should I do Link isn't here anymore and without him how can we win yes we've won before but Hyrule can't stand another War especially if Link is Evil Now. I must send a request
Zelda Lady Impa send a SOS to the Mushroom Kingdom
Impa: yes your highness
The dark army approached the castle I would never imagine Link fighting us. The Hylian Army began to follow rushing towards the enemy. Link in the lead slashing though my army.  Horror approaching my mind, until I noticed something, it looked like Link was knocking them out. My focus was knocked out when one of the Knights burst through my door
Hyrulian Knight: Princess you must hide I nodded at him and we fled into the throne room. We halted Link was in the throne room
Zelda: Link h-how did you?
Link : get in here?? Why I teleported of course he snapped his fingers and the Hylain Knight disappeared. I stood horrified. Suddenly I shot up from my bed and looked around. It was a nightmare I sighed as Link smashed through the door Link: PRINCESS Are you alright, you were screaming
Zelda: oh yes I'm fine. I just had a nightmare
I told him everything
Link: princess I would never do that
Zelda: I know Link. He put his sword back into the shieth and walked over to the bed as I told him everything he raped his arm around me embracing me in a hug once I was finished. It soon began storming as Link retracted and got off the bed.
Zelda: Link may you please go get me some warm milk.
He nodded and left the room I looked out the window watching the rain fall onto the window lightning struck and after those few mili seconds I saw Dark Link. His red eyes stood out to me as he stands on the balcony, his hand reaches for the fancy knob, he begins to smile his fangs show as he grins. His mouth begins to open as his hand turns the door knob. The door unlatches and slowly sides inwards, the rain splatters on to the hard wood floor he got one foot in the castle before Link knocked on the wood door
Link: Zelda??? May I come in
I felt a dip in the bed and two unfamiliar arm snake around my waist. I immediately knew who it was. Dark gently rested his neck onto my shoulder as I became paralyzed with fear, he leans forward towards my neck and licks it, right on my sweet spot
Link: Zelda??
I finally snapped out of my trance
Zelda, Link help me!!!
With that he smashed through the door with his sword in hand.

I open my eyes to see BEN hovering above me chaining my hands to the dungeon wall. I tried to speak but there was a gag on my mouth
BEN: Did you have a sweet dream??
I glared at him
BEN: oh feisty one aren't you Zelda. Here let me cut to the chase we're going to have some fun and then we'll get down to business.
I thought about it for a second. Okay I thought about it for a couple hours. Soon it hit me they were going to tortcher me and then kill me. Right at that moment Link came in.
Maid: princess. Princess! Princess Zelda please wake up. My eyes flashed open to see Link and the maidens
Blue Maiden: Princess please try not to sit up you were badly injured
Link: Zelda I'm sorry. I couldn't stop Dark Link
Zelda: oh Link it's alright

What in the world is going on find out in the Next chapter

Super sorry about that um 715 words in all. Hey what do you think about a Gavity Falls X Reader

 Hey what do you think about a Gavity Falls X Reader

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