Chapter 4

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HERE'S THE NEXT CHAPTER!! Sorry it took so long 😜

Annabelle's POV:

"Look. Niall I know what your thinking. And I don't hate you. Infact. Your my big brother! I love you. I'm just disappointed in you and angry that you never bother to answer any of my messages, calls, emails." I trail off.

"It hurt me Ni. My whole life has been crap since you left. Sure. I have Louise but did you ever think about the bullies? You protected me from them Niall." I explained trying hard to have a straight face and not cry but failing miserably.

Niall wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug.

"Annie. I'm so sorry. You have no idea how I was when I left the XFactor and I had to leave you behind." He said whispering in my ear.

"I love you Annie. The only reason why I didn't told no one about you was because I was trying to keep you safe from the fans." He said.

"And you didn't think I could take the hate?" I countered.

"You can get so vaunerable . I hate seeing you like that and I don't want to ever see you go through something like that. I'm so glad you don't hate me Annie. And the only reason why I didn't respond to your emails and messages was because I didn't even know you sent me them. Management took my phone when someone got my number and spread it. With my email it was the same. I'm so sorry. I thought someone told you? Mum didn't?" He said. Now crying with me. A pained expression on his face.

"Niall. I forgive you." I said. Almost immediately a grin was formed on his face. Showing his perfect teeth, that I could care less, we're crooked.

"But. You still need to gain my trust. I love you but after all I went through I don't think I will be able to trust you. Yet. Forgive and forget, right?" I said.

"Forgive and forget.



Short chapter. Sorry. But I'm not getting many reads. So. For the next chapter I'm going to need 50 reads. Maybe more? Idk.

Don't forget:

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Xx Ash

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