Chapter 2

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Next chapter! Whooohoo! Annabelle will meet some important people in this chapter! I hope you love it.

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Annabelle's POV:

It was around 12 when we got to the Mullingar Mall (pretend this is a real mall). Lou dragged me to some store I think was Rue 21? I wasn't exactly the shopping kind of person. Anyways, she immediately found the perfect shirt which had the words "forever and always" on it with an infinity sign. I on the other hand found a superman shirt with the logo, and some ripped shorts to go with it. I thought it looked cute! Don't judge my style ey!

"OMG this would look amazing on you!!"

I heard Louise shout from the other side of the store. When I turned around I ran straight into someone's chest. Or a wall. I'm not completely sure, and fell to the ground.

"Are you alright, love?"

The person asked. By the sound of it, the voice was coming from a.... Oh gosh, a verrrryy. Handsome guy. I just stared at him with alarmed eyes as he helped me up from the floor.

"Ya-aa. I'm all right. Oi! Sorry for running into you! I swear it was an accident!" I quickly covered up the stutter in my voice and had the courage to look at the guys face. It looked familiar but I couldn't put a pin on who it was.

"I'm Annabelle, you look familiar, do I know you?" I asked trying to look less nervous than I actually was.

"Well I'm Louis and I swear you look like one of my best mates! Perhaps you know the band One Direction?" He replied.

"Ohmygosh this cant be happening." I said under my breath.

"nonononononononono." I then started to go towards the cash register to pay for my items.

"Hey! Wait up! Do you hate me or something?! I mean come on, no one can hate Louis, the Tommo Tomlinson!" He said with a cheeky smile.

"Well I think you just met someone who does." I replied.

Oi. That was harsh of me.

As soon as I payed for my stuff I walked out of the store and met up with Louise who was in the food court. Good thing she didn't see Louis or she would have flipped.

I saw her sitting at a table on her phone, probably texting someone. I walked over and snatched the phone out of her hands.

"Ok. WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW! There is someone here that may or may not still hate me and I don't want to see him at all. Never actually." I quickly said pulling her up but not getting anywhere.

"Well. Whoooo is this person that is here right now?" She replied with a smirk on her face.

"I cant tell you! You will hate me!" I replied. It was true she would hate me for not telling her about Niall. And more so for Louis.

"Annie, I would never hate you. Ok? You're my best friend---------"



"Annie.. we are not leaving! That is NIALL FREAKING HORAN!" Well. So much for trying. Gosh why does this happen to me? For goodness sakes Its bad enough I'm going to his concert!

"NIALL!! COME OVER HERE WE HAVE FOOD!!" I heard Louise yell. Soon after I heard feet padding on the floor towards our table.

"OI! You ladies wont mind if I have a sandwich?" The familiar Irish accent filled my ears. I stood there dumbfounded at the boy standing infront of me. He doesnt even recognise me! That bastard! And then of course i had to open my big mouth and say "Oh so thats how you greet you sister?" Im so stupid.


Soo.. What will Niall say?? Sorry if there are some mistakes in here I didn't get a chance to edit (:

Love You All <3

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