As we continue to fight, I can't help but smile as thoughts of my Maria and I make a great pair enter my thoughts.. 'perfect for each other..' with that thought, I noticed the cursed pirates have stopped changing forms and as I withdraw my sword from one of them, the pirate fell to the ground.. dead. the other pirates seemed to realize their demise and slowly drop their weapons in surrender. "Gentlemen.. My lady.." I took Maria by the waist and pull her to me as she had dropped her weapons as well. "The ship is ours." I declare then the soldiers and sailors alike cheered in unison. "you and I make a great pair.." I tell my lover and her blue...? eyes sparkled before they turned into their original dark orbs. "perfect for each other.." she says as if she had read my mind earlier.. She then wraps her arms around my neck and I leaned in and we share a passionate kiss. I had nearly forgotten being out at the deck until the cheers grew louder. Maria pulled away in surprise and her cheeks were very flushed. I chuckled at her reaction to the crowd that had witnessed us, but was unable to be further apart from me with my arm around her waist securing her in place. She gave up on escaping from me and just buried her face into my chest.

Maria Swann POV
Everything was perfect.. other than the fact that I had shared a kiss with James for the second time in one day in front of the whole crew and I'm still a tad bit still easily embarrassed, courtesy of my shy personality.. that until my sister, Mr. Turner and Mr. Sparrow boarded the ship.. "Clamp them in irons." James commanded but I stop them. "No." James turned to me with a confused look in his features. "Maria, wha-" I cut him off "James, this isn't right.. This pirate did not know Elizabeth before he even risked his life to save her.. and saved her not just once or twice, but thrice.. Mr. Turner as well.. he risked his life for my sister.. Can you possibly give them a chance?" I ask and he had a stoic expression on his face, there was a burning hate in his eyes.. "Maria, I am bound to the law.. as well all are.. as you are. you simply can't bend the law, for a few good deeds aren't enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness." he sternly says and I frown "the law isn't always the right course to follow.. some innocent men that merely brushed shoulders with pirates were condemned to death because they were wrongly accused of an act of piracy they didn't even commit. James.. please.. I'm asking you this for my sister's happiness to be with the one she loves.. like you and I.." I plead the father joins "Elizabeth! you are--.. in love with this.... pirate?!" father exclaims "what-?! no! I'm in love with Will!" my sister bluntly confesses, and as soon as she heard her own words, she clamps her mouth with her hand. "what--" everyone was surprised at her outburst. father looked a bit relieved but still surprised.. "Father.. please.." I look at him with pleading eyes. "Miss Elizabeth.." Mr. Turner took hold of my sister's hand "..I should have told you every day from the moment I met you.. I'm in love with you.." Elizabeth and a few others gasp in surprise at another sudden confession. I simply smiled at them. " this is the path you've chosen, is it?" father asks my sister and she nods as she and Mr. Turner was glazing at each others eyes, obviously in love.. "This is where her heart truly lies.. as mine with James.." I say then look at James, whose eyes soften a little.. James lets go of me and faced the crew. "Escort Mr. Sparrow to the brig.. as for you, Mr. Turner, we shall discuss what is to happen to you when we get back.." James turned and walked away. I quickly followed after him. "James!"

When we arrived back at Port Royal, James was avoiding me... I wanted to ask him why he was avoiding me.. but.. he would escape from me.. I gave up and just gave him his space until we could speak again.. I would usually be found sulking in my room, or be buried under the books in the library.. but today, we were needed to be present at Mr. Turner's trial.. ". . . and though I do say with regret, the law is clear. The penalty for piracy is death by hanging." James declared as Elizabeth squeezed my free hand. Father then stands. "By your leave, I wish to speak on behalf of the boy.." father glances over us for a second before continuing. "It is clear that these deeds were performed out of a sincere desire to do good, at a great personal risk. It seems to me, that in rare occasions where the right course is committing an act of piracy, then an act of piracy is the right course!" when father says this, there was a chorus of cheers of approval. "So in my capacity as Governor, I intend to grant a pardon t----" father was cut off by Lieutenant Groves' shout. "SIR! JACK SPARROW HAS ESCAPED!!" a chorus of gasps echoed in the crowd. "There was no damage to the cell... he must have been set free!" Groves says as Elizabeth and Will exchanged looks then Officer Murtogg points to the horizon. "The Black Pearl!!" he exclaims then everyone rushed to the parapet. "Sir! shall we break out the cannons?" Gillette asks "I don't think that will be necessary.." I snap my head in his direction. James smiled at me and held up his hand and twirls a key on his finger. "a day's head start.. that's all he gets." he says as the officers start to leave. I race to his arms, dropping my parasol on my way as I wrap my arms around him. "I can't be a burden to my wife to tell me what's wrong and what right, now can I?" he says as he slowly pulls away and takes my hand then places a kiss on it before kneeling down on one knee. "James..?" "I didn't get to propose to you properly with a ring.. so, I ask you here again.." he takes out a small box and opens it to reveal a . I gasp at the sight of the brightly shimmering ring. "Maria Swann, will you accept my proposal once more.. and grant me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asks "James... you already know the answer to that question.." I bend down and kiss him. "I would love to be your wife, James Norrington.." he smiles brightly at my answer and places the ring on my finger before closing the gap between us for another passionate kiss.

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