College Love

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I was heading home from work, starbucks. Six months before I finished school and I am thinking about to go to college, but not sure yet. It rained and my iPod was getting wet but I don’t live far away from work,so. I came home with the smell of pancakes in my nose.. my dad actually cooked one time, he is comeing home early from work at the moment and my ma late so I mostly have time for myself, da leaves me alone.

‘Hi da!’ I had a great relationship with my dad, better than with my mum . but we argued a lot we were just the same.. ‘Hi love! How was your day?’ ‘Fine fine…’ I answered truthfully. I liked my job even though I am not allowed to work all day because I am not 18 yet, but still, I get my own money.

‘Good. I made pancakes for you we could have lunch together today.’ ‘umm sure just gonna dry my hair, maybe take a short shower. You waiting for me?’ ‘ugh okey’ I ran up the stairs checking my twitter. ‘But don’t take too long they will be cold!’ ‘Yah know…’

While in shower I thought about seeing my guy best friend again, Liam. He is one year older than me and working all day. I didn’t see him for ages.

By the way I am Ashley, two weeks ago got 17. I am not the tallest, 1.68 m, oh yeah pretty cute height.

I got out the shower and blow dryed my long, middle shade of blonde hair and removed the rest of my make up I didn’t get off in the shower. I was thinking about getting my hair omred, I would love that.

After that burned pancakes, I got an lemon Ice tee and went to my room, cuddled up in my sheets I watched love actually, my favourite movie. I fell asleep to it, the next thing I new was that my cat came to me in my bed and cuddled to my face.. and woke me up. I looked at the clock next to my big bed, 3 am.. I didn’t have dinner, I guess my father didn’t want to wake me up. Cute. But now I was hungy… on my tips I went downstairs to to the kitchen and got me a sandwich and went in my room again. As I was awake I couldn’t think of sleeping again. I had my five hours of sleep now, maybe again in some hours. I checked my phone and saw liam was awake too.

-Hi baby cakes I woke up cant sleep..

-OH me too i got hungry hah!

-eating sandwich..

-only girl I know doing that in the middle of the night babe, love ya

- i am normal okaa? Nom love yaah tuu

-gotta sleep again muuuuah

-don’t leave me! Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuah

-ahah m tired let me sleep huh?


-bah bah

This time I woke up to the tone of my alarm clock, had to go again…wooooork.

***a few days later***

‘Dad? You at home yet?’ I got from work earlier.. last day have holidays now it is nearly Christmas.

‘Yes Darling. Mum will be here earlier too today’

‘oka… oh hi’

‘ahahah hi love’

‘soo dad… I thought about college, you said it would be good for me to do that?’

‘oh yes! What do ya think?’

‘hmm.. maybe I should go.. but where could I go so it is not too far from here?’

‘I knew you would go! I got you place already!’

‘Da?! It is in the middle of the year I cant just go there like hiii just coming here in the middle of the year?!’

‘Don’t worry ash I talked with the ((director)) already it is no problem! You can go right after the holidays the first day !’

***3 weeks later, weekend before school***

Christmas went good had some great days with my family and ofcourse and the food was great, but now i was just throwing my whole wardrobe and some stuffs into my coffer. My handbag was ready too.

As I woke up and was excited for college, I was shocked as I looked in the mirror! I didn’t sleep well and I thought it was hopeless, then I tried and took a shower. Well I looked better. I put on a cute outfit, a belly button free white top with floral print in it and a skirt that I placed at the end of the top. I had naturally straight, but frizzy, thick hair. I curled my hair with my straightener and put on make up. My usual routin but I thought it was just cool to put on some red lipstick.

I went downstairs with my bags and gave them to my dad who carried them in the car. I put on my facourite high heels. (don’t worry they are really cute and not too high).

The drive was not too long and we listened to some music, my mum drove me. She always wanted me to go to college and end up all my school and have a good work bla bla…

I saw the huge building and just thought I was in heaven…


okey okey i was never ever writing and i was not a good writer and i know no one ever will read this haha... but if some read it i know there are sooo many fanfics with college and boys and all the same.. but i wanted to write one too hahaha sorry if it sucks :/

well if anyone reads it leave a comment and it would be cute of you if you vote (:

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