They really like me because, unlike school I didn't give them homework or tests, we learned through physical activities.

As I walked back through the market area I sensed someone following me. I quickly turned a corner and stopped to let them walk pass. As they walked pass I recognised him to be one of the guys I saw in the cave.

'Shit! They must be angry at me for hitting their Captain!' I thought as panic begun to risr. 'Okay (___). Just breath. He hasn't seen you yet. If you walk through this alley you can make it back home quickly if you're careful'. I peeked around the corner if the coast was clear. 'Yes! His gone and I dont see anyone else' I said to myself as I walked down the alley way again.

I walked for a few minutes, looking around every corner as I went. 'So far, so good' I thought as I rounded another corner.

I was so wrong.

As I turned the corner I walked straight into the guy from earlier. 'Shit!' I squeaked as he realised it was who he was looking for.

Before he could get a hold on me I hauled ass back the way I came.

'Captain! I found her near the market area!' The guy behind me practically screamed into the snail phone as he ran.

As I turned another corner I ran into the other one. 'Come on! Now theres two of them!' I whined dodging his grab for me.

'Stop!' I heard them yell.

'Got to hell!' I yelled back as I turned yet another corner back into the market area. Once again I stopped dead in my tracks to see...

Law's POV

'Damn that bitch! What the hell was in those canisters!? My eyes feel like their on fire! And why the hell do I feel like I've had one to many drinks?!' All these a questions and curses ran through my head as I washed the stinging feeling out of my eyes.

'Captain. Report from the sub' Bepo said as he walked up to me.

'What is it?' I asked as I blinked a few times. 'Atleast the stinging feeling is subsiding'

'They think they might know where the girl went by following the direction she took off in. I'm sorry' he lower his head as he apologised for no reason.

'Tell everyone to prepare for our departure' I said as I stood up and began walking towards the sub. 'Whatever she used in those canisters only last for a few minutes. It's probably a last resort when she needs to run or retreat' I though as I climbed back onto the sud with Bepo in tow.

Time skip to when he arrives at your home island

My crew split up into several groups while I went off with Bepo to find out some information about the island. It seemed that the island was very popular with travelling merchants and such.

I was strolling down the market street with Bepo when something caught my ear.

'Did you hear there's a Marine ship on the other side of the island? I wander what's going on?'

'Its no surprise! Pirates have been running around like scurrying rats!'

'At least its good for business. Some of those pirates are loaded!'

'Great now I have watch for the Naive and look for the girl' I thought as I walked up to one of the stands.'I hope no ones causing any trouble'.

'Good day! What can I get you sir?' A cheerful looking teen greeted me.

She popped her blue bubble gum before she smiled at me and Bepo. She had water blue hair and brown eyes with a hint of green. She wore a simple white sundress with blue flowers decorating it. At her stall she sold books, flowers and candy.

A very wide variety at that.

'I'm just browsing. Thank you' I said not taking my eyes off the books laid on the table. Many of them were new with genres varying from fiction to science and much more.

'Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring' my snail phone went off.

'Penguin-ya. What is it?' The snail phone looked tired and out of breath. 'What is he running from?' I thought as I looked at the snail.

'Captain. I found her near the market area!' He practically yelled into the snail phone.

'I'm in the area. Don't lose her. Catch her at any cost!' I ordered. I smirked when I had hung up. 'This is gonna be fun' I said as I started walking out of the market area.

Finally done editing!
Thanks so much for re-reading if you did.
What do you see as you round the corner? Is it Law? The Naive? More of the Heart Pirates? Or someone else?
Find out in Chapter 3 what happens to you next.
♥♡Life is worth living so live on people♡♥

Follow The Glow Worms: Trafalgar Law X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن