But I was eating properly and the place had a gym that no one minded me using. I'd actually gotten into some sort of routine in these few days. Not an amazing routine but a routine at least.

In my old apartment I slept on a mattress without a bed frame. The mattress didn't have any springs so it sank in towards the middle making me constantly hunched while I was sleeping. It always smelled weird too, it had smelled bad when I took it but it got unbearable fast.

I'd always thought I just had bad insomnia because I really had such trouble sleeping that it got in the way of everything. I'd been taking pills for it too.

But sleeping in this bed made me realize why a bed isn't a bed without springs. It was just so comfortable, and my feet didn't hang over the bottom of it.

I did kind of miss my blankets though, there was nothing sentimental about them but I'd just like sleeping under the heavy weight of three or four blankets. It kind of felt like I was sharing the bed with someone.

Ker did say I could go back and collect some things though. I'd asked around if and when I could go to do that but everyone I'd approached had come up with the same answer 'you'll have to talk to Kerberos'. He the big man here I guess. The colonel.

When I thought about it my shit was probably already gone anyway, they'd paid off the debt on my flat right? That meant it had probably been leased out to the next piece of scum and they'd probably thrown out all of my shit like I'd done the last guy.

It had been really fucking dirty when I moved it, it had taken me years to get shit in some kind of order.

And whoever rented the room before me collected newspapers like a real creep, they just laid about everywhere in giant stacks tied together with sellotape. Giant molding sacks of paper everywhere, and they were so heavy to move, it was no wonder the room, a kitchen (that was directly under it) had a spiteful looking crack in the ceiling.

Enough about that. I never had anything worth saving anyway.

I watched the people walk in and out of the living room. I was sitting on one of the single sofas while others were crowded together on the three and four seat sofas. The television was garbling on about some nonsense to do with the magic healing powers of a particular brown rice that no one could possible care about if they actively tried.

No one bothered to change the channel though. There was popcorn on the glass coffee table and mugs of tea kiltered the edge.

There were about four of them huddled on the three seater and two both lying sideways on the three seater. They were sharing blankets and all of them looked as sleepy as I felt.

Wisp was no where to be seen, nor was the little girl I'd met a few weeks back.

And while I had get to even vaguely fit in this place still felt homely.

I would just lay there listening in on the silent chatter, sometimes hearing others talk about me from a laughable distance away. The people here liked to stare at me, I knew that, but they did so respectfully and only when they thought I wasn't looking. I didn't mind really.

A boy walked into the room coming from the kitchen, he looked around my age, he had long legs and a nimble stature, definitely taller than me, his hair was a bright dyed blond and it was shaped to form some kind of a bowl cut. He wore earrings with black metal skulls adorning them along with his Prescott black-blue shirt and black Adornie over leggings. He was obviously up keeping the emo trend.

He smiled at me and started making his way over, which was odd considering how little anyone here spoke to me.

"How are you fitting in then?"

Dominating an Alley Cat (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now