Chapter Twenty-One: Back For You

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A/N: My kik is: Autumn_0426 I really want to talk to you guys! So kik me! :)

Mia's P.O.V

I wake up with an itchy throat and a pounding headache. Who knew death could be so painful.

"Mia?" A British voice pipes in.

"Shit!" I mutter, my voice cracking.

"Whats wrong?" I look over at Harry, my lips turning into a frown.

"I'm alive, thats whats wrong." I snap at him, my stomach bubbling with anger.

"Why are you upset? Louis saved your life!" He explains, I could tell by his expression that he was extremely annoyed.

"God dammit. I just want to be alone." I yell, fury taking over my mind.

"He was just helping Mia! You never let any of us it! Can't you see that you are hurting?" He yells, tears threating to fall from his eyes, as well as mine. "Don't take it personal Mia but you need help! Its not okay for you to do this to yourself' I give him a hateful look.

"Bull shit!" I curse. "He is the reason behind all this damn pain! He cheated on me! Trying to get with me while I was drunk! Harry, he called me worthless! A worthless bitch actually! I don't think I need help, he needs help for being such a sick man! I can't believe little girls look up to such a sleaze bag! If anything thing he should be frowned upon!"

"He's been going mad," Harry sighs.

"Haven't we all?" I spit out, my anger still consuming me.

I hear a sigh of disbelief come from Harry's mouth, "Just know that I called him."

"What!?!" I almost choke on my own breath by the time he finished.

"Yep. He'll be here any minute." Harry tells me, with a half smirk, half guilt.

"Leave." I demand.

"Wha" he begins.

"GET OUT!" I scream.

I watch as he backs away cooly into the hallway.

I instantly reach over to the call button and demand for a nurse to come quickly.

"Is there a problem?" She questions, a tone of concern as she spoke.

"Yes." I tell her. "Could you make sure no one visits me, especially ones by the name of Louis Tomlinson or Harry Styles."

"Of course miss." She tells me, scribbling something down on her clipboard.

I give her a thankful nod and rest my head onto my pillow, unsure about my feelings at the moment.

I hear a small knock on the door. I look up to see a worried Louis standing by the window.

I only respond with a hateful glare then turn my focus to the window on the opposite side of the room, ignoring Louis pleads from the hallway. I have no words to tell him, if I do try to speak I'll just break into tears, and the thing that bothers me the most is the fact that if I hear him out I might just forgive him.

I glance back to the door to find the hallway empty from what I could see. But that soon changed when I heard yelling erupt from outside my door.

"You have to let me see her!" I hear Louis scream at someone.

"I'm sorry sir, she asked for no visitors." A male voice explain.

"She's my girlfriend!!!" He yells.

"Was." I barge in, jerking the door open.

"Mia," Louis whispers, a smile creeping up on his face. I watch as he steps closer to me, reaching out for a hug.

"Go away." I state, moving my eyes to the ground.

"I thought you wanted me here?" He speaks in confusion.

"I don't. I tell him, holding in my anger.

"Mia, I'm just trying to help god dammit!" He curses.

"Bulls shit! You started all the pain in my life! Why would I want help from you?"

"Look, I'm sorry! Sorry for being such an asshole, I was drunk!!! I wasn't thinking an you of all people should know that!" He begins to cry, " How do you think I felt when you did what you did? How about abandoned, worthless, stupid, a jerk."

I don't say anything, just stare.

"You've made me happy for once, after..." He chokes, " Eleanor... I didn't see a point to anything anymore, till you. After I met you I envied my own best friend!! Jealous that he had a girl as perfect as you! Someone so similar to me! I feel different with you, something El and I never had. You feel it too! I know you do!"

"I-I do..." I whisper, I couldn't deny it. The spark that I had with Louis was undeniable. It was there. Never with Jack, nor Harry. Every time Louis spoke, smiled, kissed me, or simply the sound of his name made my cheeks heat up and my stomach burn. He had such an effect on me, and it always will.

"I'm sorry Mia." He mages to say, "So fucking sorry."

"I forgive you," I mutter.


"I said I forgive you Louis." I smile, missing the feeling.

"I love you so much Mia." His warm breath trailing up my cheeks, making my lips tingle.

I felt the familiar feel of Louis lips on mine, instantly melting everything in my head and stomach. I lift my hands to Louis hair and tangle my hands in them, tugging slightly. I felt his hands travel to my waist, gripping ahold of them before I fall to my knees from the passion.

I pull back and look at him, "I love you," I breath, hugging him tightly, afraid to let go.

I look up to his face and see a welcoming smile creep up, causing me to mimic the same action.

"I just want to leave." I sigh, looking back over to my vacant room.

"Trust me, I'll try my hardest to get you out." He tells me.

I nod and lazily walk back over to my bed, Louis following close behind.

"Hi Mia?" A tall, blonde doctor with blue eyes and an old, raspy voice asked.

"Yeah." I mutter.

"So I'm here to discuss a rehab center." He tells us. Making my heart drop.

A/N: I know, my chapters are short... Haha. I wanted to update today because I have a Hunter Hayes concert to attend all of tomorrow, so I wanted to post today!

I want to thank you all for almost 10k reads!! That is beyond crazy!! <3 I have a goal for this chapter, so help me hit it and I'll update Monday!!

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