When the phone call ended Louis took out his own. "Mind if I tell my best friends since you told yours?" Louis shook his phone.

"No! Tell them. Put it on speaker!".

Louis dialed each of the boys putting them onto a group call.

"Is everyone Here?" Louis said holding the phone so Delilah could hear.

"Yah I'm here" Zayn said.

"Right here!" Niall laughed.

"Here!" Liam replied.

"I can here you." Harry said.

"Okay boys, well I have some really exciting news. Only for your ears! Don't not tell anyone." Louis ordered

"Yes, sir" Liam laughed.

"Well, I'm going to be the first One Direction Daddy!"

"No Way! Congrats Mate." Zayn said.

"Remeber when I was Daddy Direction during the X factor Haha" Liam laughed.

"I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE! AHH!"Harry screamed.

"Drinks for Louis and D!" Niall said, laughing.

Delilah giggled at how excited the boys were. Louis chuckled before speaking. "Yes, boys. You are all going to be uncles!, You're on speaker so Talk to Delilah."

"Hi Delilah! " The boys said all at once. "Congrats on being a mummy!"

"Thanks boys! I cannot wait to see you all! You're coming to the Christmas party right?"

"Of course!" Niall said. "Wouldn't miss it."

"Me and Perrie are coming. Half to leave early though. Going home to visit mum!" Zayn replied.

"Me and Liam will be there." Harry said.

"So do you want a boy?" Niall asked.

"Of course!" Louis said. Already dreaming about all the fun. How he teach him football, how to sing, and all The other fun Father/Son things.

"I don't care! I'm fine with a boy or girl." Delilah laughed. She couldn't stop smiling.

"She or he will have a wonderful mother and father!" Liam replied "I'll talk to you later Lou! OCngrats again!" Liam clicked the phone off.

"Yeah, I'mm\ gonna go to." Harry said. "I can't wait to see Delilah walkin' around funny" Delilah snorted, and the entire phone called erruputed into laughter.

"Bye boys!" Delilah called, adn Louis said his goodbyes and hung up the phone.

"You're going to be a daddy!" Delilah said again, it felt so good to say it.

"This is the best birthday slash Christmas presant ever. " Louis kissed his wife. "So we actually do need to go Christmas shopping, sense were already I town."

"Yeah, let's go!" Louis pulled off out of the hospital parking lot. He was finally going to have a kid. That's all he ever wanted.

They drove around for a bit, looking for the mall. They parked near the front and Delilah took Louis hand in her on.

"So we need to get things for your Mum, and my parents." Delilah stated

"And all my little sisters." Louis added

"Don't forget the boys, and Waverly." Delilah replied. A light giggle coing fromk her mouth.

"Ughhh..." Louis fake groaned. They walked around, everything in Nashvillie was pretty straight forward. You got your shirts from Hollister and American Eagle, your athletics came from the Under armor and Hibbit. Shoes would be paid for at the local Shoe Show, and everything else was from Dillards and Belks.

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