(10) Pregame

Depuis le début

"Awe she just cares for you baby MoMo." I tease. She glares at me while shoving some of my stuff to the floor. "Hey!"

"You're such a slob." snaps Moe.

"You don't need to be mean!" I say back crossing my arms. Moe rolls her eyes so I stick out my tongue.

"Do I need to separate you two?" ask Ali from behind us. "JJ you can come sit back here with Ashlyn and I'll sit up there with you Morgan if you don't knock it off and be sweet."

"No ma'am." I say sighing and sitting back against the window. "Sorry Moe."

"Sorry Ali. Sorry Julie." she mumbles looking down at her lap.

"It's fine. Just be nice to each other please." smiles Ali leaning in between our seats. "I'd hate to have to tell that either one of you are acting up."

"Yeah JJ, don't make me tell Hope." adds in Ash making me go stiff. Mom will make me write until my hand falls off if she gets told by another player that I'm being bad. Her and Mama don't like to be embarrassed and if I don't behave everybody knows just who to look at. Mom would especially be mad because Ashlyn would probably tell her I was messing with Moe and that is a big no no with her. She doesn't like it when people are mean. Moe and I sit quietly the whole ride to the stadium. Once we finally pull in Morgan and I race each other off the bus and laugh as we almost tumble down the steps.

"Woah kiddos!" smiles A-rod catching us. "Slow down alright? We don't want you guys hurt before we play."

"Sorry Amy!" I giggle over my shoulder starting to sprint to the locker room beside Moe. I her someone yell after us, but I ignore them and keep going.

Carli's POV

"Julie Beth Johnston! Stop running young lady! You're going to get hurt!" I holler after her.

"Carls calm down." laughs Hope hitting me on the shoulder. "She's having fun."

"She can have fun at a safer pace." I mumble under my breath before shouting, "Julie Beth walk!"

"Loosen up Carlos. They'll be fine." says Alex struggling to get her bag over her shoulder. I roll my eyes and give her a hand. "Thanks."

"You're welcome Baby Horse." She rolls her eyes in annoyance while stomping away. I chuckle and look back at Hope who's giving the two of us a weird look. "What?" I question.

"Oh nothing." she says shaking her head defensively. "I just find y'alls relationship kind of funny."

"What is that suppose to mean?" I ask as we turn into the locker room.

"It's not bad- Julie get down from there!" she starts calmly but then yells. I quickly look up at the mention of JJ. "What do you think you're doing?" ask Hope grabbing her arm and helping her off the table. "Have you lost your mind?"

"Mom we were just playing!" explains Julie motioning over to Moe. 

"Well you need to go get your shin guards on." sighs Hope looking down at her bare legs. "We need to warmup baby. Move it." Hope says guiding her over to where she dropped her stuff.  Hope never likes to get onto Jules for anything. She just redirects her attention so she stops doing whatever the bad thing she was doing was.

"Those two." says Ash shaking her head unapprovingly. "They need to chill the fuck out."

"Ashlyn!" scolds Ali hitting her. "Hush!"

"Gosh Alex! I'm just telling them the truth!" says Ash rubbing her arm.

"What are you-"

"Nothing!" yells Ali cutting off Hope. "They're fine!" I watch as she drags Ash away glaring at her.

"I wonder what your precious little angel did." I say setting my stuff down in my locker.

"What do you mean my 'precious little angel'?" ask Hope putting her stuff down in the locker across from mine. "She's just as much yours as she is mine."

"When she's bad she's yours." I tell her pulling out my cleats.

"Mama!" says Julie wondering over to us. "Do you know where my socks are?" I turn and look at Hope wide eyed. Our child did not just forget her socks. No, not our child, her child. Her child forgot her socks. I will disown her if she really left them.

"Baby they're in your bag." says Hope putting hers on.

"Mom they're not-"

"Bring it to me and I'll look." she sighs sitting back on the bench. Once Julie walks away she looks up at me. "If she would just turn them in with the rest of her uniform after games we wouldn't have this problem."

"Well maybe we can-" I start but get interrupted by JJ throwing her bag down in between us. 

"Here." she says dramatically plopping down next to her. "I promise they're not in there. I looked everywhere!"

"Baby girl they were in here when I checked this morning." says Hope looking around in it. She keeps going through it for a few more minutes before sighing, "Julie Beth I put them in here this morning. What did you do with this after I left your room?"

"Mommy I didn't do anything!" exclaims Julie defensively. "I just got on the bus!" Hope groans and puts her head in her hands.

"JB, I know they were-"

"Who's socks are these?!" yells someone from the front of the locker room. "They were left on the bus!"

"Is there a name in them?" ask Cap putting up her hair.

"Umm..." mutters the trainer turning them around in her hands. 

"Check the inside of the left one!" calls out Hope standing up. "They're probably-"

"JJ!" she says cutting off Hope. "Here Julie!" She tosses them back and I catch them.

"Tell her thank you." I prompt handing them down to her.

"Thanks!" screams Jay happily pulling them on. She gets up and tries to run off, but Hope catches her before she can. "Mooooom."

"Uh uh." she scolds. "I want you to calm down." Hope puts her hands on her shoulders and looks her in the eyes. Anytime Hope looks you in the eyes, even if it's not her "bitch face", you listen.  Julie looks down so she gently picks her face up with her hand and holds it so she has to look at her. "JB, look at me." she says softly. "You need to go get your shoes on, and go sit somewhere. If I catch you running around you're going to be in big trouble. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am." frowns Julie hanging her head. Hope gives her a soft smile and kisses the top of her head. 

As she goes off I say, "Hey love bug?"

"Hmm?" she hums back. I clear my throat and raise one of my eyebrows. "Ma'am?"

"That's better." I mumble zipping up my jacket. "Don't forget your warm ups and do not take off that coat. It's cold."

"Mama my pants make me hot though." she says pouting.

"You only have to wear them for a little bit princess. You can take them off before the game." soothes Hope while putting her headband thing that's also earmuffs on. I have no idea what it's called, but I do know I need to invest in one. They look silly, but boy does that thing keep you warm! I might go get one tomorrow since we're off. Julie will NOT be coming with me. That girl shops until she drops and I- just no. I do not "shop". I go in and get what I need and leave. We would be stuck at the mall all day and I don't have time for that. "Do what your Mama said please. You've got to be on the field in five minutes. Mommy's got to go now. I love you baby." Hope gives her a quick kiss on the cheek before following the other two keepers out.  I finish getting myself ready and wait for Julie to finish putting on her sun screen before running out with the rest of the team for pregame training. Today's going to be good. I can feel it.

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