Chapter 5:Sex

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I have to avoid Logan now. No matter the cost. I want NOTHING to do..with... That stupid idiot with ..that blonde hair and gorgeous eyes!

It was 3rd period already. I've been ignoring all day even though he attempted to make conversation with me. I ignored every time. I could tell he was getting irritated. Today I have to go get a mental evaluation due to my aggressiveness and acts of violence towards people.

Apparently, "i can be a danger to others"
I didn't want to think about it. "Alright. I've been instructed to lead you all to the gym."  Mrs.Thompson says and puts down the phone.
Without thought, I get up while the other students walk out the door.


"Don't have Sex!" A adult said through the mic, causing me to cringe in my seat. Please tell this isn't
"This will be a sexual education assembly of the school since it's required to be taught EVENTUALLY"

I mentally screamed then actually screamed, apparently not loud enough since they were clicking on a photo.
"This is a penis." The person says that was introduced as Mr.Walton. I feel my left eye twitch. It looks so weird. Gross

Then they showed the vagina, making me almost throw up. MY INNOCENCE
He began explaining sex and how.. A thing... girl..NONONO WHY AOULD DBYONE FO THAT MY THOYGHTS CABT EBEN

"You can also get bad things from it too though. The person could have a sexual disease such as.." He began showing effects of a few diseases and I put my hands to my face, I just lost my innocence..

It was finally over after about 30 long, scarring minutes."Whew, thank god that's over! Don't you agree?" I ask to the person beside me,wiping fake sweat off my forehead. I wasn't looking at who I was actually speaking to.

"Sex isn't that bad, he's over exaggerating. It's great actually." The person replies. I knew that voice. I turn to my side and see Logan Bush sitting there. I only huff loudly, getting up from my seat.

How could I have not noticed who I was sitting by??!
I walked out of the gymnasium and to my last class since that stupid sexual education took almost the rest of the day.

You Confuse Me (Bobs Burgers. Louise x Logan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora