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AN: I remember posting this one day... Not thinking I would get as many comments on it as I did say "yes.". This makes me so sad because no one should ever feel like they should take there own like away. I remember read the message people would send me or even comments and having to call me friend Nats (her nickname) and asking what do I say back to this because it would just shock me that someone would do all this horrible thing to yourself or that others to to you.. It seriously makes me sad because I know how it feels like and I don't want anyone to go through the pain I go through but there is and there is a lot of you guys. I feel like I need help you guys get better  while I'm helping you guys it makes me feel better. If that makes sense. I also love it when you guys help each other when I don't see the comments because someone below my notifications and when I finally see it and guys are helping each other out it makes me happy. We are like our own little committee.  I'm pretty sure I got off tracks of what I was talking about but oh well just saying STAY STRONG AND WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE NO ONE LOVES YOU I DO AND ALWAYS WILL.... Byeee.....

(Ps. We need to come with group name.)

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