Chapter One- New town

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    Ugh! I am dreading today. I am moving to Doncaster, UK.  I have lived here in California all my life and now since my mother and father had gotten a divorce my mother can't stand living in California so we have to move. Why she wants to move countries I will never know. I am going to miss all my friends and I was planning on entering in a drama class here in Cali where you act sing and all those things which I love. My mother says there will be one in my new school, but I really liked the one here.

     I always have loved singing and acting. My friends say that I could make it as a movie star just by my looks. I wouldn't call myself beautiful, but, everyone I know always talks about how pretty I am and I have had a lot of guys ask me out, but I always deny them because I have no time for boys and plus most of them are jerks. Since I am moving to a new school and town I am hoping I can find a nice guy and maybe if we connect right to make him my boyfriend, but I am not focusing on that right now. I look in my bathroom mirror for the last time. I have long Jet-black hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin. I am about 5'1 in height. I'm definitely nothing special and wish I was a little taller honestly.  

      "Brooke come on it's time to go!" My mother yelled from outside. Here we go. I walked out of the house with my cell phone and my puppy named Scarlet. "Do you have everything Brooke?" My mom said "Yep" I said popping the "P". We have to get on an airplane for eleven hours. I am prepared though I have barely slept last two days so I can sleep on the plane. I might be a little terrified of planes. 


      I woke up after Scarlet was licking my face. "Scarlet stop" I groaned. "Honey we are almost there about two minutes." My mom said. After the plane ride, mom got us a rental car until she buys a new one this week after selling her old one. I sit up and start looking around the area all of the houses are really close together and they are huge. Looks like only Rich people of live here. "We are here." My mother squealed like a sixteen-year-old girl. As we drove into the driveway, my eyes probably look like they were about to pop out of my head, because our house is bigger than our old one by at least six more times. The house across the street from ours though was a huge house that screamed money.

    "The school is like a 15 minute walk from the house and they say this is a great neighborhood too! I think you are going to love it here. Go inside the house and up the third stairs on the right go up then turn left and the last door on the right is your room." My mom said. As soon as she said that I jumped out of the car and ran inside with Scarlet. I followed the directions my mom told me to follow. Crazy I have to have directions to my own room but I haven't even been to the UK before so I definitely haven't seen my own house yet. 

      This house is even bigger on the inside. The kitchen looks like it could host three families at once and the living room has a sectional and a huge flat screen t.v. I walked up the stairs and saw the game room it was huge with a pool table, air hockey, and lots of games. I walked up the other two stairs and finally got to my room. I almost died when I saw it! It's beautiful and really big with a king size bed hanging from the ceiling. The walls are white, bed covers a light grey with pale pink pillows, and on one of the walls is a big flat screen t.v mounted on it and a sitting area with three couches. There is a small balcony leading outside with two chairs and a small table on it. I walked outside on it and there was another balcony the one across the street that is that same house that is a little bigger than ours. I wonder who lives there? I walked back into my room and started unpacking while blasting music from my iPod and some big speakers in my room. We have never been rich for the fact my mom has been in school working to become a doctor while also working at the hospital to make her way to the top. Finally, she made it to the top as a neurosurgeon so she had plenty of money to buy us a new house so far away. 

     Finishing unpacking I can now do whatever I want... Oh dang, I forgot I have to walk Scarlet. "Scarlet baby girl where are you?" I yelled, then no longer than a minute she came running in my room. "Come on girl do you wanna take a walk?" I asked her she started wagging her tail. Awe she is so cute. I put a leash around her and made my way downstairs and out the door to take a walk around the neighborhood. I was walking down the sidewalk when I noticed a small park around the corner. Scarlet and I walked over there I let go off her leash so she can walk around the park while I sit on the swing watching her closely so she doesn't run away. 

     Three girls looking quite a few years younger then I came to play in the park. They looked at Scarlet then me "Can we play her?" The little girl asked "You sure can" I told her. They started playing with her. About 10 minutes later I told the girls Scarlet and I had to go. As I picked up Scarlet and started talking to the oldest of the three girls turns out she lives in front of me she is 12 years old. Her name is "Lottie" we exchanged numbers. and Even though she is still in middle school, I will count her as a friend. She said she has a brother that is my age and he will be going to the same school as me. 

      After talking to Lottie. Scarlet and I went home, I was about to go inside until Scarlet jumped out of my arms and ran down the street. I ran after her. She turned the corner and I did too but bumped into someone and I hit the ground and so did the person.

      "Oh, I am so sorry! I was running to get my dog and she turned the corner and I didn't see you! oh gosh! are you okay, I am so sorry I-" I said before the person cut me off.

      "It's fine love, Really I am okay," the person said standing up. I looked up at whoever it was and was greeted with a kind smile from a tall guy who had his hair buzzed cut and was wearing some joggers and a tank top. Obviously, he was running. 

      "I am Liam Payne and who might you be love?" he asked me. I blushed a little at his British accent. I literally have never heard a British person in person and now I am living somewhere where all the people talk that way. 

      "Oh, I am Brooke Woods!" I told him as we shook hands. He had a firm grip and his hands were rough. 

      "Oh so are you new to this town?" He questioned raising a bushy eyebrow. He was actually really cute with some dark brown eyes. I have never found brown eyes pretty until I saw his. 

      "Yeah actually, how did you guess?" I asked him. 

     "Your accent we don't have many people with an American accent around here," he said. 

      "I see... So do you live around here?" I asked him. 

 He laughed, then said "Well, yes I do this is my house actually," Pointing to the house whos front sidewalk we were currently standing on. 

      "Cool well I will see you around I live just around the corner... I am sure we will bump into each other again soon. Hopefully not literally though! I have to go and find my dog, Scarlet. It was nice meeting, you Liam!" I said with a wave already rushing to find my baby German Shepard. He sent me a wave and laughed as I took off. 

     I turned the next corner and saw Scarlet peeing on the sidewalk. Thank God she is okay. I picked her up making sure to hold her firmly and walk to our house. When I got inside I was already exhausted so I decided to change into my sleeping clothes and snuggle myself in the bed since I have to get up early for school. Which I am pretty excited about.

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