(3) Beautiful Specimen

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Shadow's POV

I sighed in relief when the woman bypassed the alley. Usually, people just ignore my presence so they're not guilted into helping me. But this time I felt someone staring at me. I hadn't expected it to be someone like her, and I hadn't expected to stare back. I was mesmerized by her beauty. I've been all around New York and not once seen someone so beautiful. No one has ever looked at me before. Not like she did. Yes, they would glance at me uncomfortably like they were going to catch some disease from me. But no one acknowledged my presence. This beautiful specimen came looking for me. Thank fuck she didn't find me. Honestly, I didn't need her pity.

I followed far enough behind her so she wouldn't see me feeling like a stalker. Her walk was elegant and perfect. Considering she was wearing six-inch high heel boots. Every step she took her curls bounced on her shoulders. While she was distracted on the phone I took in her curved body. Who wears leggings in this kind of weather? I don't care. It's a blessing to my eyes. They show the perfect outline of her luscious curves. She's not skinny. However, she's not fat either. It's like perfectly in between. Something to grab on to... Whoa whoa. Shadow calm down dude. I haven't thought of a woman sexually in a long time. Not even when I hung around prostitutes who repeatedly tried to seduce me. I sighed and kept my head low. I'm not sure why I'm following this woman. I'm putting off serious stalker vibes right now.

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do! Understand?" She snapped. I ducked behind the nearest building. I was so lost in thought I hadn't realized she stopped.

"You know what. Fuck you AND your damn photo shoot." She spat. She huffed and hung up the phone. I watched as she ran her hand through her perfect curls. Her phone started ringing and she sighed. I wanted to consult her in some manner. Instead, I just stayed in my hiding spot watching. She typed away on her phone. Her fingers moved at high speeds. Like most New Yorkers. Everyone these days are glued to their precious technology. I fancied reading. It's a great day when I find a decent book in the trash. It breaks my heart that people can throw away those magnificent creations. Books are a gateway to another life. I can't escape my shitty one for a short period of time. When I read, I'm living someone else's life. I get to feel their emotions as if they were my own.

The pretty lady looked up, causing me to hide more. I peeked and saw her looking at the store sign. The light reflected off of her beautiful green eyes. She reminded me of Poison Ivy. I'm sure she's far from it though. She returned texting. After a moment she slid her phone into her coat pocket. She stood there looking around. The wind caused her hair to blow in her face. No matter how many times she moved it, it blew black. I smiled to myself. It was funny. She wore light makeup, not too much but just enough to highlight her face. Her lipstick was slightly smudged as she chewed on her bottom lip.

I imagined us walking through New York, complaining about the wind. She would giggle at some lame joke I told. I would brush back her hair while she clings to my arm in that cute adorable way. I could walk proudly, having such beauty on my arm. Any jerk who looked at her twice would get his nose bashed in.

"Ang." Someone called causing her to look away. She walked towards a woman with a suit on. The woman had her hair braided back and wore sunglasses. She looked like a sexy detective or something. I sighed as I watched her climb into a black SUV and drive away. After staring down the road for a few minutes, I started walking back towards my alley. I had nothing else to do with my life. If I'm lucky, I'll stumble across another book. Usually, I check each dumpster around. It's a bit embarrassing to do in daylight. I'll just wait until night strikes. It's supposed to be chilly tonight, yay me.

Slowly I walked towards my alley. I couldn't help but think about that woman. I swear I recognized her from somewhere. No one could forget a face like that. Or that body. God her body was to die for. I could imagine my hand brushing over her perfect curves. Goosebumps would rise from my touch. Damn. Glancing down at the tent of my jeans, I sighed in frustration. If I'm being honest, I hate being a man sometimes. I groaned when I finally found my alley. Slumped against the wall I stared at the tent in my jeans until it slowly went away. I could take care of it if I really wanted to. However, I am currently in public and I just don't have the will. The last time I masturbated I got my hands burned with a branding iron. A cross, for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I never was a believer. Having my foster parents shove it down my throat (literally) didn't help at all. Even then, I thought they were better than living with my aunt. All in all, it didn't last long and soon enough I was on my own.

Eventually, I decided to not have a religion. It caused nothing but pain and trouble. I laid down on my back and looked up at the sky. It was slowly changing from the bright sunny day to the gloomy afternoon that would eventually turn into the night time. I couldn't help but think about my parents. What if the fire didn't happen? I like to think of the positive possibilities. Like in a movie where they weren't home for the fire. Police would investigate while we hideout somewhere in protective custody. I could wear a badge that the detective gave me to keep me distracted from everything that was going on. But it didn't happen like that. I did get to play with his badge, but to distract me from the fact that my parents were dead and never returning.



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