Chapter 5 : Breakdowns and bugs

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Chapter 5

Middle of the night...

Riker POV

I woke up, and I felt wet. I quickly sat up, and realized that it was high tide, and the ocean was only a few feet away, and when a wave would come, we'd get soaked.

I groaned quietly. First of all, this was really unpleasant to wake up to. And second, I hate the ocean!

"Skye! Wake up!"

Skye stirred a little.

"Skye, come on!"

Skye opened her eyes, and looked at me.

"Why... Why am I wet?"

"It's high tide. Come on. Let's go back to where we normally sleep."

Skye started to cry, and I sighed.

"I just want to go home!"

"I know, so do I. But let's make the best of it, and go back to our normal spot," I said, hoping she'd agree.

She didn't move, and cried into her hands.

"Skye, come on. Seriously. I'm not going to sleep in water."

I pulled her hand away from her face, and made her stand.

"Come on."

We walked back in the dark.

"I'm going to change. I'll be right back."

I grabbed a change of dry clothes, and went to go change behind the bushes.

When I came back, Skye was curled up on the ground. I laid down next to her, but I couldn't fall asleep. I had too many thoughts.

I really wanted to go home. Part of the plane was still here on the beach, and I saw it every day. It creeped me out because I knew there were dead bodies in there. And I used to know those people! It was just last week that I went to school with them! And now they're all dead! And I could've been one of them!

But besides being creeped out about the bodies, hating the ocean, missing home, having no really effective way of cleaning myself or my clothes, and having mostly only stupid coconuts to eat, life isn't that bad. I mean, yeah there's the whole thing with the bathroom situation. It's kind of unpleasant, but it could be worse. And yeah the whole food thing... But if coconuts are what's keeping me alive, then I'll continue to eat them. And there's also the whole getting clean thing... That's one of my biggest problems. As a guy, obviously, I'd sweat more than Skye. And I know I don't smell the best. Water just doesn't do much without soap. And I'm mostly out of clean clothes. I suppose I could try washing them in the fresh water area we found... But... I just hope we get rescued soon.


Riker POV

I woke up, and the sun was beating down on me. I was basically lying in a puddle of sweat... So it's going to be one of those days, is it?

Skye was asleep, and I was glad. She needs to rest, and get some more patience.

I changed into my swimsuit so I was slightly cooler. I was kind of pale, so I was a little worried about getting a sunburn. But... It was hot, so I preferred not to wear a shirt.

I decided that today's goal would be to open some more coconuts, and build a shelter. Sleeping on the ground isn't all that comfortable. It's really hard, and maybe if we slept on leaves or something, it'd be softer.

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