Chapter 2 : 2 survivors

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Chapter 2


Riker POV

I woke up, but wouldn't open my eyes yet. I had an insanely bad headache. I started rubbing my forehead with my hands, trying to ease the pain a little.

I was starting to notice that I felt pain in multiple places of my body. It was sharp pain, and that made me open my eyes.

At first I couldn't see anything. It was too dark. But my eyes adjusted. I looked next to me, and saw my window was broken. Wait! If it's broken, then...

I looked out the window. There's sand everywhere.

Wait... We crashed!

I started to remember now... There had been turbulence...

I looked next to me, and Skye was gone. I looked around and saw some other students, still buckled in with their seatbelts. And there's blood. Everywhere.

My heart started racing. I didn't know what to do, but I wanted to get out of here!

I unbuckled my seatbelt, feeling the sharp pain more and more as I moved. I walked into the aisle, and got my suitcase from the overhead compartment. I looked towards the back of the plane, and it was gone. Literally, half the plane was missing. So I walked that way so I could get out. I had my suitcase and my backpack, but I didn't know what to do.

I got out of the plane, and jumped down to the sand. The sun was setting, so I'd need to hurry if I wanted to figure something out.

I found a big rock, and sat down on it. There was glass in my arms and legs, and that's what's causing me pain. I winced, pulling the pieces out one by one. But after a few minutes, I had all the pieces out, and felt a million times better. Except now it was really dark, and I'm not a fan of it...

I heard what sounded like footsteps, and I was relieved and scared at the same time. It might be someone from the plane, or it could be a wild animal, coming to kill me.

I stood up, and backed away from the sound. It was coming from some nearby bushes. A girl walked out, but I couldn't tell who it was because it was dark. I walked closer to her, feeling relieved it wasn't an animal. When I got close enough, I realized it was Skye.

"Skye! Oh my gosh!"

"You're Riker, right?" She asked quietly.


"Um... Are you ok? From the crash, I mean?"

"Yeah. W-were there any other people who survived?"

"Not that I know of..."

"Oh... So it's... it's just us then?"

"Yeah... I think so... Um... I tried calling someone, but there's no service. I've tried a bunch of times."

I was trying so hard to hold it together. I was in shock though. Was I going to be able to go home any time soon?

"Um... What do you think we should do?" Skye asked.

"Um... I think maybe we should find a place to sleep before we can't see anymore."

"Do you think it's safe?"

"I really don't know..."

"Where should we sleep then?"

"Um... Uh... Maybe over there?"

I pointed to a somewhat grassy area about 20 feet away.


We walked over there together.

"Um... So do you have any luggage?" I asked.

"Yeah. Over there..."

Skye walked over near some bushes, grabbed a suitcase and a backpack, and brought it over.

"Maybe we should like... spread stuff out or something..." I said, opening my suitcase.

I spread out a few of my shirts. I took out a hoodie, and put it on because I was cold. I took out another hoodie, and made it into the best pillow I could.



"Um... I sort of um... have to go to the bathroom... Should we like... designate a spot for that?"

"Uh... sure."



"Um... Does behind those bushes work?"



Skye POV

I watched as Riker walked over to the bushes. I was so shocked at this whole situation. I mean... we crashed, and now Riker and I are the only ones that survived... I feel like this is a dream, but how could it be?

And what made it worse was that I didn't even know Riker. I mean, he seemed nice and everything, but I didn't know him. And I was a little nervous to be around him. I'd never had a boyfriend before, and being around guys made me sort of uncomfortable.

Riker came back, and even though the sun was setting, I could still see that he was blushing.

"You ok?" I asked, softly.

"Yeah. This is just... weird..."

Riker POV

Everything felt so awkward. I mean, I barely know her. And now we're in a crazy situation together.

"So are we going to sleep now?" Skye asked, quietly.

"Um... yeah..."

Skye laid down about 4 feet from me. I laid down too.

I know right now, the sun is setting. So it seems early. But I'm exhausted.

Going back to the whole awkward thing... We never even changed into our pajamas. I mean, we had our suitcases and everything. But I think there was a mutual understanding that we'd just kind of try to stay away from the awkwardness of everything. And since changing would be awkward, we just stayed in our other clothes, and avoided that option all together.

I took out my contacts, and put those in their little cases, and made sure I had my glasses for tomorrow.

I closed my eyes, and was soon fast asleep.

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