Chapter 1 : The plane ride

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A/N : I promise this story will be better than my last one, and my updates will be more frequent. I just had a week and a half of midterms and stuff, but now I'm back! Enjoy!

Chapter 1

Riker POV

"Mom! Where's my suitcase!?" I shouted from my room.

My mom came up a few seconds later.

"Riker, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't shout."

"Sorry, mom..."

"Your suitcase is in the basement."

I gave my mom puppy dog eyes.

"Will you get it for me please?"

"Riker, go get it yourself."

"But it's scary down there! There's spiders and stuff."

"Riker, you're 17. You're old enough to brave the basement for a minute to get your suitcase."

I sighed.


I walked downstairs, and over to the basement door. Here it goes...

I opened the door, and flicked on the light. The stairs seemed to be calling my name, as if to lure me down there, and then trap me.

I pushed those thoughts out of my head as I walked down to get my suitcase.

I might be a little afraid of some things, but I'm not a scaredy cat.

I grabbed my suitcase, and ran back upstairs. I shut the door, and then ran up to my room to start packing. I was going on a class trip to Italy for 2 weeks. I'd never been away from home before for more than a few days or without my siblings, so I was kind of nervous.

I packed some pairs of jeans, shirts, socks, underwear, a swimsuit, hoodies, pjs, flip flops, and an extra pair of converse.

Rocky came in, and sat on his bed, watching me.

"Excited for your trip?"


"Cool. I'm excited too."

"Why are you excited? I'm the one going on vacation."

"No, I'll be on vacation too. Away from you."

Rocky laughed, and I rolled my eyes. Brothers...

"No, seriously. It'll be kind of nice not to hear your snoring."

"Oh shut up..."

"You're the one that needs to shut up. Do you know how long your snoring keeps me awake at night sometimes?"


I zipped up my suitcase, and put it by the door. I'm all ready for tomorrow.

The next day...

Riker POV

I got dressed quickly, and then grabbed my backpack. It was being used as my carryon bag. I threw my phone inside, and went downstairs. It was really early, and the sun wasn't even up yet. But I had to get to the airport, and meet my class there for the flight.

My mom drove me there, and made sure that I found my class.

"Alright, Riker. I'll see you in 2 weeks," my mom said.

"Wait! What if I forgot something?"

"I'm sure you can buy it in Italy, or wait until you get back."


I looked at the floor.

"I'll see you in 2 weeks. Be good, and don't get lost, ok?"

"Yes, mom."

"And behave yourself!"

"I will."

"Alright. Love you!"

My mom gave me a hug. I never wanted to leave her arms. Yeah, I was excited about the trip. But I wish my family was going too.

I finally pulled myself away from my mom, and walked over to my class. A little later, we went through security, and we boarded the plane.

I found my seat, which was next to the window. A girl came and sat next to me. I smiled kind of shyly at her. Luckily for me, she smiled back.

"I'm Riker," I said, softly, sticking out my hand.

She shook my hand, and introduced herself as Skye. She had long brown hair, and hazel eyes like mine.

We buckled our seatbelts, and then the plane took off. I was kind of nervous, but I'm always nervous on plane rides. They just make me feel uneasy. Especially the taking off and landing parts. But I hate it all.

We were finally safely in the air. My ears and head hurt kind of badly though.

I looked over at Skye, and she had earbuds in. I sort of knew who she was. She was in my class. But she was basically known as the quiet girl. She never really said much in class, unless she had to. But I knew she was smart. She was one of the smartest in the class.

I leaned my head on the window, and decided to try to get some sleep. Otherwise, I'd be worrying. And worrying drives me insane.


Riker POV

I woke up, needing to use the restroom. This is literally one of the worst things about plane rides.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, which I realized I could have done a long time ago, and awkwardly climbed over Skye. I walked to the back of the plane, and locked myself in the bathroom.

I had done my business without a problem, meaning turbulence, and was using the hand sanitizer on the wall, when the plane shook a little. Me being me, I freaked out a little. I quickly opened the door, and hurried back to my seat. The pilot came on the loudspeaker, and told us to put on our seatbelts because we were going to hit more turbulence. I quickly did that, and stared out the window. We're over the ocean right now.

We started hitting more turbulence, and the plane kept jerking us around. Skye looked kind of nervous.

A few minutes later, the turbulence was a lot worse, and everyone seemed nervous. The next thing I knew, I heard screaming, and then everything went black.

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