Chapter 13 - I need you...

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As I walk into the hotel, the lights that had been bothering me for the entire day fade away. Yes. I'm talking about paparazzi.

Louis and Gigi didn't let me leave until just very recently after the night fell.

"Meeez Zhennegh!" Joachim calls excirtedly as he walks over to me in some kind of a hurry. He just called me miss Jenner. I know. His accent's to kill for. :-|

"Yes?" I stop in front of the elevator. "Nahthinggg.. Joughr ghoom got kleened todei. I wanteeed to lèt jough know." He smiles. "Thanks Joachim." I smile and hand him his bill as the elevator arrives. "Baii!" He waves at me excitedly. "Bye." I chuckle as the elevator door closes.


I walked into the ballroom with as much grace as I possibly could. Gigi and Justin were waving for me excitedly. I raised my hand to let them know I noticed their call for attention and walked over to where they were standing.

"Hey Dash-girl!" Justin teased me. "Not even a full minute and you're already marching on my nerves." I playfully rolled my eyes. He laughed as I hugged Gigi. "That's how I do it." I playfully punched his arm. "You're such a jerk." He laughed again. "I'M such a jerk??" He pretended to be stabbed in the face and turned around.

I motioned my watch to Gigi and playfully counted for a few seconds until he returned with a drink in his hand. "Okay I forgive you." He handed me the drink. "He seems to completely go insane when you're around." Gigi comments. Well that's not entirely wrong.
Justin an I have been best friends since we met. He's an older brother for both me and Kylie.

"Hey sister!"
Oh lord! Speak of the devil.

"Hey!" I turned around to see Kylie and greeted her with a warm hug. "I'm so glad you called me everyday since you left!" She added sarcastically. "Nice to see you again too sis!!" I smiled. "C'mere, I missed you."

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