17. Africa: Land of the Hot.

Start from the beginning

"I have told them sir." I turned back towards the door to see the plump man standing in the doorway.

"Adequate. Well then I should be off. Come Mr. Linton."

"Yes sir." I responded immediately. I bowed to the plump man who narrowed his eyes at me.

"Hold on..." I was halfway out of the hut when the man spoke up.

"Err yes?" I turned around to face the man.

"Is your name Mr. Linton? Mr. Victor Linton?"

"Um yes it is. Why?"

"You're that fellow who embarrassed Mr. Ambrose two years ago, aren't you?" My eyes widened and I gulped. How did he.. Oh. I remembered the newspaper I saw a couple days ago.

"I um guess so yes."

"How can you think of keeping your position?"

"I-I'm sorry?" I looked at him, confused.

"How can you remain as his secretary? And how has he not yet sacked you?"

"I do not know. You should try asking him yourself. It's his choice, is it not?"

"I suppose. But if I were your employer and you did something like that to me, I would sack you on the spot. When I read about that scandal in the news, the only thing I could think of you was an entirely unmannered and wild dog from some place in India."

"Well I am not an unmannered and wild dog from India and you are not Mr. Rikkard Ambrose, financial magnate, so you keep your filthy mouth shut, do you hear?" I snarled, pointing a finger in his face. "I, unlike you, have at least higher position in his employ than you could have ever imagined. And if you just as well try to get me sacked, I'll personally let him know that you are not doing his demands to its full expectations. By the way, you should learn to walk and talk faster." And with that, I turned on my heel and marched out of the hut. Mr. Ambrose was nowhere to be seen, which wasn't a surprise. I started walking in the direction that I thought I had come from. I knew we had walked straight for an awful long time, and I hoped to not end up being lost currently.

"No turns... No zig-zags either... Stupid man. Trying to get me sacked... Thank god he wasn't around otherwise he'd have second thoughts about my being here..." I said to myself, walking on.

Twenty or so minutes seemed to have slipped by, and I still had not reached the ship. Africa was such a peculiar place. The sun continued to shine on my head, and I felt that an egg could possibly be fried on it. Or maybe a potato.

Even more time passed and I was starting to grow worried. The land so far was empty, save for the random green, strangely shaped plants here and there. I had never seen them in my life. "What are these things? Is it even proper to call them a plant? Don't plants usually end up in dirt and with water?" I asked no one. I neared one of these 'plants' and found silvery sticks with pointy looking ends protruding from them. Tentatively, I reached out and touched the tip of one.. and pricked my finger. "Ouch! Blast, what on earth are these things?! Plants aren't supposed to stab you in the finger! They're supposed to be nice, soft little things, like flowers!"

It was then that I realised that the world probably was not how I was used to. In London, everything was in order, with a queen, a parliament, and everything else. It wasn't a dry, hot mess of things. It was neat and organised, and most other countries were probably envious of our society. Of course, I hated some parts of it. I hated how females like me couldn't do things like get a job, or even hunt. But I was used to it all. I was used to everything being best and orderly. I was most certainly not used to random strange shaped plant things being around the land at wherever, an being a guard of itself, poking those who came close.

It was also then, after moving away from the confusing plant, that I realised another thing.

I was lost. And it wasn't the lost as in 'I have lost all sense of mind!' No, rather it was the different, scarier kind of lost. The kind that made you feel as if you could never ever find your way back home.


Well helloooooooooo there.


sorry I like to yell things. ((:



I have a question to ask you.
Actually two questions.

First, I was wondering if I should make Lilly dislike or ..um... to a certain disgusting point like racism. Like, be in favour of it. I personally think dislike it, but I want to know your opinions. And before you immediately comment an answer, think about it first. Think about her position (in general, not currently) and then come up with an answer as to what you think, and tell me why. I know that it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past school hours, but I wanna know how you guys thinks! c:

Second. what do you think will happen to Lilly? Will she remain forever in the desert, or do you think she'll be able to find her way back to the ship, Karim and her... ahem. Lover?!?!? xDD



Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it! c:


See you later!

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