Part 1- What the fuck

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"It's about a half hour drive to where I've been staying, I have everything we need there" he stared out the window in silence scanning the slowly disappearing coast and we drove closer to town.

"So what's your name, kid?" I ask trying to start a friendly conversation. I'm not sure why I was referring to him as kid, he was probably a year or two older than me.

"Ten thousand" he lazily spits out.

"I'm Ash, Why ten thousand?"

"It's how many zombies I'm going to kill."

"Damn, that's quite the goal" I snort out, half in disbelief, half in awe.

"I'm already at 4,326" he smirks to himself.

We pull up at an abandon thrift store. I stumbled upon the attic when I was rummaging for new clothes in the main part of the store. I had cleared out the few Z's that were wandering the isles and decided to set up base camp there. The drop ladder provided the perfect zombie proof enterance and there was a small window facing the street so I could keep a look out for any threats; human or zombie.

We hobbled into the deserted store and up the stairs to a back room which held the secret entrance to my little hidden fortress. He climbed up first and collapsed on the small mattress I had drug up there. I pulled myself up and shut the door.

First things first, this kid needs clean bandages. I rummage through an old first aid kid I found a while back and pulled out some fresh cloth, tape and ati bacterial wipes. I walked over to him and held up the supplies and shot him an enthusiastic look as he defended his abdomen.

"Look, it's not gonna hurt you, I just need to clean it and make sure it doesn't get infected, okay?"

He reluctantly moved his hand and allows me to change the bandages and get him all cleaned up. Whoever stitched him up must have been in a hurry, because man were they sloppy! They would have to work though, and as I finished taping on the bandage he looks up at me with those piercing blue eyes.

"Thank you" he whispers.
"I don't know why you saved me, but thank you."

"Well I wasn't just gonna leave you for the zombies to tear up! You're too pretty for that" I reply playfully, shooting him a casual wink. His cheeks flush pink and he examines his fresh bandage in order to avoid eye contact.

"I'm gonna run downstairs and grab you some dry clothes, anything specific I should look for?"

"Anything dark that I'm able to move freely in" he responds, still avoiding my gaze.

"Got it, close the door behind me, I'll knock so you know it's me"

He nodded and lifted himself up in his elbows, I slid down the ladder and watched as he pulled the rope, sealing himself inside. I pull my double sided axe from my belt and rest it on my shoulder. God, I loved that thing. It was sturdy, light weight and I even added a 3 inch spike on top for easy pikeing. It was my baby.

I wasnt expecting to find any Z's inside, I had cleared it out the first day I found it, but I kept my weapon at the ready just in case. I ran my hand across the rows of stale, dusty clothes. I threw together a few outfits I thought he would enjoy and headed back up the stairs. I knocked three times with the end of my axe and the ladder swung down. I climbed back up and shut the door. He ploped back onto the mattress still clutching his side. He was in pain.. I turned to my first aid kit and tossed him a bottle of ibuprofen, it wasn't much but it would help. He popped two in his mouth as I held up a black t-shirt, grey cargo pants, a faded grey jean vest and a forest green hoodie. His eyes lit up as he practically ripped them out of my hands. I had a few other garments for him, some goggles, a black scarf, a grey beanie, and some gloves, but he just stuffed those in an empty backpack he had found. He changed his clothes in the corner and I promised not to peek (I lied) I couldn't help myself. I watched as he peeled off his damp cargo pants that had rips all over them. He had a slim buid, but he was toned with muscle.
Four years in the zombie apocalypse will do that to a person.
He sat down on the mattress again fidgiting with his new attire.
"Hungry?" I asked. He nodded his head and I offered him a bag of jerky and some trail mix I had scavenged from a gas station. I tossed him a bottle of water and we both ate in ailence for about 10 minutes. I couldn't take it anymore, it was too weird. We were just sitting there chewing, swallowing, and glancing up at one another every few seconds.. I had to break the silence.

"So what's your story?" I asked before taking a drink of water. He stared at me for a second with a puzzled look on his face.
"Okay, let's start simple. How did you end up unconscious on the beach?"

He swallowed a mouthful of trail mix and exhaled deeply.
"I was on a government submarine. I was being treated for the gunshot wound when I heard sirens. Everyone was evacuating and I made it to the hatch right before the whole thing blew to shit. I must have washed up on shore afterwards.." He looked down and rubbed the back of his neck "I'm lucky to be alive, actually."

"Sounds like it" I relpy, wide eyed.
"Did you work for them or something?"

"No." he snapped, "We were transporting the Murphy to the CDC lab and I got shot by some bounty hunters in the process. They took me aboard to treat my gunshot wound."

"Woah, wait. You guys were transporting The Murphy???"

"Not as glorious as you'd think" he joked. "My group and I... We got separated. They must have ditched after the sub exploded.." He gave a small chuckle "Shit, they probably think I'm dead"

"Any idea where they would have gone?"

"No clue." He gazed out the tiny window behind me, longing to be reunited with his people.

"Well don't worry, we'll get you all healed up and then we'll find your people, okay?" I leaned over and placed my hand awkwardly on his shoulder. He looked up at me and nodded his head in appreciation.

"In the mean time, it's getting late. We should get some sleep, you take the mattress I'll take the floor" I grabbed some extra blankets and a pillow from the corner and set up a makeshift bed. He swung his legs onto the bed and put his arm behind his head.

"Goodnight 10k"

"Goodnight.. Ash"

Hey guys! So this is my first attempt at writing any fic about anything.. I love the characters and the show to death! I hope you like it. More chapters will soon follow! :D feedback is always appreciated.
Enjoy ✌

The Dark Haired Boy/10k [Z Nation]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat