Falling for the Boss

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Quick Author's Note

Hey! It's so awesome to be back! 2016! It's is 2016! Just wanted to wish y'all a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Now, last time we take, I said I would be back in 2016, and I'M BACK!

I have wrote new chapters and a few new stories for y'all and I hope you all like them!

This story is some Random Romance One-Shots, I had wrote over my little break. I hope y'all like them!

MzAAAlsina is BACK!


As I see it, there are two ways for a woman to climb the corporate ladder—work hard and hope for the best, or work hard and sleep with the boss. I chose the latter.

Don't get me wrong, I won't sleep with just anyone to get a promotion. I'm not that kind of girl. But my new boss, Liam Gregson, is tall, dark and hold-me-back-handsome, so the decision wasn't a difficult one to make.

I mean, if he were like my old boss, Simon, the most I'd do would be cross my fingers and toes. Slimey Simon had a beer belly, B.O., and thought he was God's gift to women. From what I heard, God should've asked for a refund because Slimey's dangly parts didn't work at crucial moments. Don't ask me how I know this. It's a long story involving my friend Sheena from Admin, several bottles of cheap champagne and a lost bet.

Liam is in a different league to Slimey. Unfortunately, he's not in my league either. I'm not buxom like Sheena, or blonde and beautiful like Debbie, my main rival for the senior analyst position. In short, I'm not the sort of girl Liam would ... promote.

"Liam alert," Sheena whispered as she swanned past my desk clutching a red folder to make it appear as if she was working instead of telling me about the guy she kissed Friday night.

I would've said something witty, intelligent and flirtatious to Liam but he got in first. "Elaine, my office please."

Uh-oh, not a good sign. Not even a smile or hello. Sheena raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged and followed Liam. As I passed Debbie's desk, she smirked and sang "Lainey's in trouble" like a five-year old in the playground. That's about the level of her maturity.

Liam held the door open for me and indicated I should sit. He shut the door with purpose then sat in his leather chair. His office was about the same size as my studio apartment and he filled it with his presence. The man had Charisma with a capital C. He walked like he owned the ground beneath him. And when he spoke to you, you felt special. His eyes didn't wander when you talked, he didn't look bored even when you discussed the weather, and he smiled when you tried to be funny. The man could charm a girl out of her self-imposed abstinence.

I should know. I was so ready and willing to sleep with him, I wore sexy underwear to work just in case he asked me to stay back late and we had hot sweaty sex on his polished hardwood desk.

"Elaine," he said, "I—"

"Call me Lainey. All my friends do."

"Elaine sounds more professional."

Oh-kay. "So what can I do for you, Liam?" Full body massage? Lap dance?

"This report." He picked a file out of the stack of papers on his desk and placed it in front of me. "We need to go through it."

"Why? What's wrong with it?" Maybe I sounded a little too paranoid, but hey, I'd put a lot of hard work into the report on the demographics of the Southbank area. I'd stayed at the office till ten every night for a week doing research and until two A.M. last Thursday trying to get the damn photocopier to do two-sided copies for Liam and the other senior managers. That copier is possessed. I swear it could sense my desperation.

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